MongoDB With Spring Boot: A Simple CRUD

MongoDB is an open-source non relational, document oriented database. MongoDB being document oriented means that it stores data in JSON like documents which makes it more powerful and expressive. MongoDB’s ability to scale up and down very easily is considered to be one of its advantages over its competitors. Data is stored in documents in key pair values. Another component of MongoDB is collection, which is the simple collection of documents. Collection corresponds to Table in relational databases. In this blog we are going to explore this database with Java Spring Boot. We will create a simple CRUD API to interact with our Mongo database.

Why Use MongoDB?

  1. It is document based and therefore it is more flexible where each document can have varying fields which can not be done in relational databases.
  2. It allows us to index any field in the document to improve search results.
  3. It provides us with rich and powerful query language which allows us to filter and sort using any field no matter how nested the field is.
  4. It provides us with high scalability (sharding) and high availability (replication) of data.

MongoDB With Java Spring Boot

Assuming that you have a basic understanding of MongoDB now we will now see how we can leverage MongoDB by building a small spring boot API to perform basic CRUD operations.