Back up CockroachDB to S3 via HTTPS Proxy

When running your production workloads on CockroachDB, you'll want to take regular backups. CockroachDB is frequently deployed into a cloud, such as EC2, GCP, or Azure, and these cloud environments consistently offer a highly durable "blob store". That, coupled with how well CockroachDB's backup/restore works with these blob stores, makes them an excellent choice of backup target. In certain cases, organizations may choose to limit outbound traffic from their workloads running in the cloud, so they may deploy a proxy to manage these HTTP and/or HTTPS requests. Having just configured this myself, I figure sharing it here would make sense.

In my case, I'm running a three-node cluster right on my MacBook Pro, so I'm cheating a little bit in that it's not running in the cloud. Still, for the purposes of this experiment, I think it's okay. I should note that, in that startup procedure, the one shown on the link to the docs, you need to add this step prior to starting each of the three cockroach processes: