Data Is Precious And Addictive: Here’s How To Stay Out Of The Dark

“He who controls Dune controls Spice. And he who controls the Spice controls the universe.”

It is not hard to see that Frank Herbert’s science fiction classic Dune is a thinly veiled critique of the world’s dependence on Oil. As some people like to quip these days  - Data is the new oil. Just like Spice, Data lets you expand your mind and see into the future. But it is also a great addiction. If you are trying to grow your product, you will have to find ways to harvest this precious resource to fuel your empire. But there are some significant challenges on the road, and we have some tips to help you through them.

Data makes the world go round

As product managers in this day and age, we are taught to live and breathe data. Every decision, every feature, every pivot starts and ends with data. Hypothesis formulation, AB testing, user testing, experiments, Wizard of Oz. All of these begin with asking “what data do we need to validate this decision?” The next step is a design that takes data into account. And, hopefully, the final step includes the experimental results that confirm or disprove our hypothesis. After all, we serve at the pleasure of the mighty Emperor: the business side of the organization, sales, and marketing teams, who require data to generate growth and reduce churn.