Message-Level Security in Serverless Integration Built on Kumologica

In today’s world, business relies heavily on digital infrastructure to maintain both the economic and social fabric of our society. This comes with greater responsibility for enterprise IT teams to ensure the security of data at rest and in transit. Enterprise businesses follow different security compliance protocols like GDPR to ensure maximum security for the data and infrastructure.

When it comes to security in the integration world, the security of data in transit is vital. In some business domains such as banks, medical & pharma, defense, etc. where sensitive data flows across different systems, the criticality is multifold. Transport-level security and message-level security are the most common security levels enforced when services are integrated between client and server or between servers. Multiple intermediary systems could exist between two end points when integrated. In such cases, message-level encryption (MLE) ensures that the content is encrypted during the intermediate hops where the traffic itself might be un-encrypted before it reaches the target system.