How HUAWEI ML Kit’s Face Detection and Hand Keypoint Detection Helped Create the Game Crazy Rockets


There are so many online games these days that are addictive, easy to play, and suitable for a wide age range. I've long dreamed of creating a hit game of my own, but doing so is harder than it seems. I was researching on the Internet, and was fortunate to learn about HUAWEI ML Kit's face detection and hand keypoint detection capabilities, which make games much more engaging. 

Application Scenarios

ML Kit's face detection capability detects up to 855 keypoints of the face, and returns the coordinates for the face contours, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, as well as angles. Integrating the face detection capability makes it easy to create a beauty app, or enable users to add special effects to facial images to make them more intriguing.