How to Bind Methods or Constructors to Functional Interfaces

To bind methods or constructors to functional interfaces, we are going to use the FunctionalInterfaceFactory of Burningwave Core library. FunctionalInterfaceFactory component uses to cache all generated functional interfaces for faster access. Before we start coding, we must add the following dependency to our pom.xml:




Constructors Binding

To bind a constructors to a functional interface, we will use the following constructor:

Couchbase Support for Node-to-node Encryption

When customers using Couchbase require us to comply with privacy regulations such as HIPAA (financial or healthcare customers as an example), then we typically need to allow for Authentication(LDAP), Authorization (RBAC-role based access control), and Encryption. It is also important to support auditing and redaction of important information, especially in logs (Couchbase has support for log redaction using specific tags), all of which Couchbase supports. When it comes to encryption, Couchbase supports node to node encryption at multiple levels using the cluster configuration level setting. This is controlled by the user and can take 3 values:

  1. Control: At this level, only the cluster and server connections to internal services are encrypted. This basically includes the cluster management information and the related internal processes. However, data across nodes in the cluster is not. So, for example, a server to query service connection is encrypted. This is the default behaviour. 

Hello, new old member.

Just getting re-acquainted with Daniweb/ProgrammingForums. Hello. The email I signed up with is long gone and I have no way to reclaim unless I can remember my old password.

Stranger Things in Java: Constructors


What you are reading is the second in a series of articles titled “Stranger things in Java” (find the first article here), inspired by the contents of my book “Java for Aliens”. These articles are dedicated to insights of the Java language. Deepening the topics we use every day, will allow us to master Java coding even in the strangest scenario.

In this post, we will explore some scenarios in which the use of a Java programming base concept, such as the constructor, can hide some pitfalls. In particular, after having clarified some fundamental definitions, we will explore the relationships between constructors and inheritance, constructors and polymorphism, and the hidden work of the compiler.

Building an Angular Bot With AWS Lex


In this article, I will explain the Amazon Lex service and how you can use it to develop automated bots for your application. Using Lex, it is to develop automated support in your application to collect information from the user using text or voice and address the user’s concerns. I will create a sample application using Angular, and then we will integrate it to Amazon Lex to create an appointment.


This article assumes that you have a basic understanding of web application development. This article doesn’t require you to have advanced skills using Angular or Amazon Web Services, but having familiarity with these technologies will help you get the most out of this. Here is a list of tools technologies I have used in this article.

UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #13

Lots of fantastic new animation concepts have been shared in the last couple of weeks with some shiny trends, lovely 3D effects and amazing immersive interactions.

We hope you enjoy this set and get updated with some fresh trends and ideas in UI interactions and animations.

2DOX Website Loader

by Halo Web

Luxam 3D Museum Scene

by Advanced Team


by Jacek Janiczak

Wine + Peace™ · Manifesto and Footer Homepage

by Pierre-Jean Doumenjou

Doonbeg—Golf Club

by Hrvoje Grubisic

Burger Menu animation

by Givi Dautashvili

Software Developer Website Interaction

by Cuberto

3D slider concept

by Hrvoje Grubisic

Lewa House – Early Concept

by Jack Harvatt

Naba Zabih Folio

by Zhenya Rynzhuk

Default Cube PRO

by Oleg Frolov

Lewa House Concept

by Nathan Riley

Méribel – posters

by Konstantin Yakovlev

kicks editorial

by Hampus Öhman

Instagram Social Widget

by Francesco Zagami

Landing page web design & interactions for Qoorio

by Vilius Vaicius

Motion Exercise N°008

by Bastien Allard

Bento 3D Design Vol.3

by Kirill Emelyanov

E-Commerce Web Interaction – Domingo

by Daniel Tan

Clothes Brand Website Design

by tubik

CUYANA — Store

by tokitoshi

The post UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #13 appeared first on Codrops.