Your Helm Zoo Will Kill You

This article is controversial. It aggressively questions helm-charts and current dev workflow designs, and I’m well aware that not everyone will like this. Let me be clear before we dive in: this is an enterprise view. It’s a view that is relevant to team sizes of 20 developers onwards. If you’re a smaller dev shop that builds a few apps, this doesn’t apply to you, and you should just keep things as is. But for those of you that are working at scale or that are about to scale: watch out. Your helm-chart zoo will kill you. Maybe not tomorrow but almost definitely next year.

Working Change by Change With kubectl

At first, they created kubectl-kangaroo, and everyone could do everything the way they wanted. However, the challenge with just using kubectl is that you are working change by change. That’s fast but makes it impossible to track what has actually changed in your cluster. One super clever person went ahead and managed everything in Kubernetes manifests and then versioned them in Git. Dope, my friend, dope.