Here Are the Top Predictions for SRE in 2021

Who else is glad that 2020 is almost over? We’ve had one of the most difficult years in recent history. With everything going on, it’s been difficult to think further than a few days out, much less into the new year. But, we’re hopeful that 2021 will be a better year for everyone. And we’re predicting some exciting things in the future for SRE.

Here are our two cents: SRE adoption will only continue to grow. Yet, the practice and culture shift, rather than the role, will take priority in 2021. More people (not only SREs) will have a reliability mindset, which means reliability will be shifting left through the software lifecycle. SLIs, SLOs, and error budget policies will become common practice. Practices such as observability, runbook automation, and blameless retrospectives continue to be table stakes.