How to Free Up More Space in Boot on Ubuntu — Remove Old Kernels

Recently, I was performing some server maintenance on my home lab, a Lenovo ThinkServer TS140 running Ubuntu that I have as a dedicated Plex media server. When I first set it up, I installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and I finally decided to upgrade from 16.04 to Ubuntu 20.04. However, when I attempted to run a full operating system (OS) upgrade, I got an error that there was not enough space. As such, I realized that I'd need to clean the boot partition. Learn how to free up more space in boot on Ubuntu, and why your Ubuntu boot partition may be full!

What Is the Boot Partition on Linux and Why Do You Need to Free Up Boot Space?

On Ubuntu and other Debian-based Linux distributions (distros), the boot partition stores various files required to boot up your OS. The boot partition is mounted to the aptly-named /boot directory. Among the various files you'll find in your Ubuntu Linux boot partition are GRUB bootloader configuration files.