datetime module provides date and time objects that are similar to the Date

The datetime module provides date and time objects that are similar to the
Date and Time objects, but they provide a rich set of methods and operators.
Read the documentation at http: // docs. python. org/ 2/ library/ datetime. html

  1. Use the datetime module to write a program that gets the current date and
    prints the day of the week.
  2. Write a program that takes a birthday as input and prints the users age and
    the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds until their next birthday.
  3. For two people born on different days, there is a day when one is twice as
    old as the other. That is their Double Day. Write a program that takes two
    birthdays and computes their Double Day.
  4. For a little more challenge, write the more general version that computes
    the day when one person is n times older than the other.