Top 13 Benefits of CI/CD You Should Not Ignore

In traditional software development approaches, releases are spread out and recur at intervals for every small feature update or bug fix. This dramatically increases the chances of changes getting coupled at the time of deployment. Over time, the problem starts to grow, posing more challenges for an entire team. The worst part is that all processes are manual, and most of these products are developed/tested individually. Needless to say, it becomes more prone to human error. CI/CD is something that solves all this and makes the entire process more manageable and efficient.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment or CI/CD is the backbone of building, testing, and deploying applications to production in modern software development practices. CI/CD plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between development and various affected teams. CI helps to mitigate the risks and enables production parity by automating multiple code changes from varied developers of the project. On the other hand, CD enables developers to deliver the integrated code to production seamlessly, thus providing a quick and effective automated process to release new features and updates to customers without much hassle.