The Greatest Software Development Books of All Time

There is a question that is often asked: should I read books to become a better developer? Usually, the question is yes, however when asking which books? you will get different answers from different people, as there are so many topics in the software engineering area. During the years I developed a routine to read a lot of books, so taking into account my own experience, the experience of many peers I spoke with, as well as other sources that compiled similar lists [1][2][3][4][5] (some of them using analytics to calculate the score), I compiled a list of the greatest books that every software developer should read in one point in a career.

Just to take a short note that just reading these books will not make you a great developer, for that you will need years of doing development, but you will get insights into some guiding principles that you could apply. In addition, by reading them, you will avoid making some common mistakes in development.