Experiment With OpenTelemetry: Play With the Future Cloud Native Metrics Framework, Now

Everyone loves hooking up 42 different types of observability tooling to all of their infrastructure and apps, right? No? Me neither, and this is why I’m so excited about OpenTelemetry. Not only is OpenTelemetry a specification that all of the observability/monitoring/APM vendors appear to be rallying around, but it’s also a framework of standardized tools, APIs, and SDKs. This truly has the potential to be the one observability standard to rule them all!

Accordingly, we are excited to announce an OpenTelemetry integration in the K8s Initializer project to enable observable application-ready Kubernetes playgrounds. Although the OpenTelemetry observability framework has not yet been given the generally available (GA) label, it’s anticipated exit of beta is just around the corner. We were keen to play around with this tech and figured you would be too.