How to Get the Most Email Subscribers Using Hustle

The money is in the list…but it takes a little hustle to build that list! Hustle takes the hassle out of getting more subscribers on your email list.

Hustle is the best free email list-building plugin for WordPress that turns visitors into leads and subscribers.

In this post, we’ll go over the basics of setting up an effective email capture lead generation campaign and look at the specific features of Hustle that will help you build your mailing list and convert more visitors into subscribers.

Specifically, we’ll be discussing how to:

Create an Effective Email Capture Lead Generation Campaign

Search Google and you will find a plethora of posts, volumes of videos, and a chiliad of courses written by savvy online marketers on the topic of email list-building, form design, crafting compelling copy, and ways to qualify and persuade prospects to part with their email addresses as they advance through your sales funnel.

We’ve also written a number of detailed posts on how to craft engaging email marketing campaigns, why using double opt-ins in email capture forms improves conversions, and even asked whether email marketing actually works.

For this post, let’s keep things really simple. There are many factors involved in putting together an effective email capture lead generation campaign. We can’t cover them all (that’s Google’s job!), but the goal is the same…to entice the right audience to part with their email address so you can keep in touch and build a relationship based on trust and providing value.

So, let’s narrow things down considerably.

As you plan your email capture campaign, ask yourself:

“What am I offering to entice visitors to part with their email address?”

Typically, this comes down to either:

  1. Give something away for free – This can be an eBook, a PDF download, a free template or checklist, access to videos, audios (e.g. podcasts), etc.
  2. Give a discount – If you’ve ever purchased anything online, then you know first-hand how effective this method is. Coupon codes work a treat.

Offering something of great value to your visitors will go a long way towards enticing them to part with their email address.

Compelling form offer
What are you offering your prospective subscribers in exchange for their email address?

Everything else (e.g. sales copy, form design, etc.) comes down to testing. Test, analyze your results, tweak, and test again. Rinse and repeat to improve your conversions.

Fortunately, Hustle gives you stats on how your forms are performing right on the dashboard, so you can tweak, test, and improve your campaigns’ performance.

Hustle's dashboard.
Check how well your forms are converting from Hustle’s dashboard.

Hustle lets you create your own email capture forms from scratch or choose from a range of professionally-designed and fully responsive templates that you can completely customize and tweak to your heart’s content.

Hustle form templates
Hustle’s form templates can be fully customized and tweaked for optimal conversions.

Regardless of the type of form you decide to use in your campaign (we’ll cover these in a moment), Hustle gives you a choice of two categories:

  • Email Opt-in: This type of form is perfect for growing email subscribers, collecting user data, and saving user email addresses to a local list and/or one or more 3rd-party apps.
  • Informational: This type of form is perfect for promotional offers with a call to action.

Naturally, we recommend choosing an email opt-in form template when building a list, as it is specifically designed to help you capture email addresses.

Hustle email opt-in form template - spring sale.
Choose the email opt-in form template when building a list of subscribers.

Now that we’ve touched on some of the basics you’ll need to entice visitors to part with their email addresses (i.e. offer something valuable and test everything to improve your results), let’s talk about implementing a simple structure that will get visitors to sign up to your email list.

Set Up an Email Capture Conversion Funnel

An effective email capture conversion funnel should include at least the following components:

1) A landing page or pages where you will display your forms

Where on your site do you plan to display your email capture forms?

With pop-up forms, for example, Hustle lets you display a form to all visitors everywhere on your site, or set rules to display your form only on specific pages, to specific types of users, and under specific conditions (learn more about using Hustle’s pop-up forms.)

You can also choose a specific page to display your forms, embed forms anywhere in your content, and even display your form on the sidebar of your site using a widget.

Hustle form on sidebar
Grow your email list doing a little hustle on the sidebar.

2) An email marketing/autoresponder service

No matter what your email marketing service is, you can integrate it with Hustle to automatically add subscribers to your email list.

Hustle integrates with all leading email services

3) A thank you or download page

This is where you’ll send visitors to after they have subscribed to your list.

Hustle gives you options like displaying a success message or redirecting new subscribers to a specific page or URL. You can also send them an automated email after they’ve subscribed with a personalized greeting or thank you message. You will find these options in the Emails section of each form type.

Hustle Submission Behavior
Hustle lets you control what happens after visitors subscribe to your list.

Use Hustle To Convert More Visitors Into Email Subscribers

Once you have your campaign elements (i.e. something to entice visitors to sign up and your email capture funnel set up), the last step is to choose which type of form you’d like to use.

Hustle gives you the option of using the following types of forms:

  • Pop-ups – Display an email capture form that pops-up over your content automatically. We’ve written a detailed tutorial on creating effective pop-up forms here: How to Make the perfect Pop-up with Hustle.
  • Slide-ins – Display forms that slide into your page without covering the whole screen.
  • Embeds – Insert signup forms directly into your content automatically or using shortcodes.

As mentioned earlier, you can build your form from scratch or choose one of our professionally-designed templates to help you save time. The templates are fully responsive, work on all browsers and devices, and can be completely customized to match your branding and fit in with your design needs.

Watch the video below to learn more about our templates.

After choosing your form type, go through the built-in form creation wizard to customize your form elements and appearance, integrate your form with your email service, set up a thank you message or redirection to your download page, and configure visibility conditions and behavior settings.

Hustle’s form building wizard makes it easy to create the perfect email capture form

After setting up your form, just publish it and it will immediately start collecting visitor email addresses (unless you use Hustle’s scheduling feature to set specific times and dates for your forms to display).

Hustle’s email lists let you see, edit, and export email list data and information for every module you’ve set up.

Hustle email lists
See who subscribed and which lists they’ve subscribed to.

Improve Email Subscriber Conversions

Once you have data from results, you can start to analyze and improve your campaigns.

As mention earlier, Hustle’s dashboard gives you an overview of key conversion metrics (tip: you can configure which top metrics you’d like to see on the dashboard).

Each module has its own individual stats, so you can track performance and conversions on a module by module basis.

Hustle module stats
See stats for every module.

With Hustle, you don’t have to try and figure out how to improve conversions on your own. You can collaborate with members of your team by configuring the plugin’s permission settings to allow others to create or edit existing modules, settings, or integrations, access and view email lists, etc.

So, whether you are an agency, freelancer, or a single WordPress user looking for way to grow a mailing list, Hustle is the perfect email marketing and lead generation plugin for capturing visitor details and turning more of them into subscribers.

Download Hustle for free or become a WPMU DEV member and get access to 24/7 support and all the WordPress help you need. Additionally, check out our blog, comprehensive documentation section, 24/7 support section, community forum and our roadmap for new plugin features coming soon.