More Labels & Languages – The Hub Just Gets Better

Just when you thought we were done making The Hub better (okay, we’re never done), we spiced it up even further with custom labels and language translations!

Languages and labels give you even more options to set up The Hub to your specifications in just a few clicks.

This cool new feature allows you to translate The Hub into other languages, color-code your websites, and filter your sites by categories & labels so you can sort through them with ease.

Dev Man with paint and language book.
Dev Man brushing-up on his languages and label colors.

Why did we add these features?

Simple. Because based on our survey — you wanted it! And, well, we did, too. We’re pretty fond of new features here.

Here’s a quick break-down on what’s new…

Your Language Preferences Await

It’s essential to read all that’s presented to you in The Hub without translating it. That’s why we’ve now made it simple and easy to change your language preferences.

Pick your language preferences by clicking the gear icon that opens up Account Preferences.

The gear icon in the hub.
The gear icon is waiting for you inside the Hub.

You’ll then have several languages to choose from. Select an option from the dropdown menu and The Hub will be instantly translated.

You can choose from English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

It’s as simple as that! Your language preference is one-click away.

P.S. Just around the corner, there will be options for timezones and more languages to choose from. All of this is coming VERY soon.

From Filters to Labels – We’ve Got You Covered!

You can now organize your websites in The Hub with filters and labels! That means you can filter them by category and color labels, which makes it visually more accessible for you to navigate and sort. Plus, name the labels however you’d like.

After all…

“Without a filter, a man is just chaos walking.” – Patrick Ness

When it comes to filtering, let’s take a look at adding a specific color to a site first.

To color-code a site, you just click on the bar to the right of it.

The bar that you click on to change colors.
Uh-oh. This site is gray and dull. Clicking this bar will change that.

Once you do that, you have the options of:

  • None
  • Purple
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
Color options.
Which color is your favorite?

Simply pick out a color, and your website will be represented by it in The Hub.

But wait! There’s more…

You can pick a different color from a color palette, delete colors, edit colors, and filter them. The Filters & Labels dropdown menu is where these options are.

The filters and labels tab.
Want more customization and sorting options? Here’s where it’s at.

When you click on the dropdown, you have the option to Edit.

Where you edit labels.
Not fond of the way purple looks or its name? Change its tone and label it differently.

Here, you can edit any color by clicking on it. Change the name or the color itself.

Want a new color that’s not featured? That’s simple to do. Just hit Add Label.

The add label button.
A variety of colors await.

Bright, dull, neutral — the choice is yours!

Pick from the color palette any color you’d like.

Don’t want to label it a name of a color? No problem. You can label it whatever you would like (e.g. eCommerce).

Example of labeling a label ecommerce.
Name a label anything you want.

When it comes to arranging the labels, drag & drop the colors in any order that suits you.

Drag & drop makes it easy.

For organizing your content, you can sort by Category and Labels.

From the categories, you can filter by:

  • Updates
  • Security
  • Speed
  • SEO
  • Backlogs
  • Uptime

This saves you gobs of time and helps avoid searching burnout.

You’ll see that ‘Updates’ appears on the screen’s lefthand side when selected in the Filter by area.

Example of filters appearing in the hub.
Notice how ‘Updates’ is on the left when selected on the right?

Filtering functions the same with Labels. Pick between any labels/colors that you want to sort through. Or, mix it up with both labels and a category.

Remove the category or labels at any time by clicking on them. Or you can hit Clear All.

The clear all button.
You can take any of these out with one-click or do it all in one swoop with ‘Clear All.’

It’s an awesome way to quickly pull-up what you need and control what content is displayed.

Ready for More? Just You Wait.

In case you haven’t noticed, The Hub is continually growing with newer and better advancements. The labels and languages feature are just a small snippet of what’s to come.

If you’re not a member of WPMU DEV, consider becoming one. You’ll get immediate access to The Hub, award-winning premium plugins, and 24/7 support. Try us free for seven days.

Until our next colorful update, we’ll say goodbye, au revoir, tchau, & adiós!