Best Practices for Java Deployments

The proper deployment of Java applications can be a cumbersome and tedious process and the risk of failure is never higher than it is the moment after deployment. Errors during/after deployment not only impact IT development and operations of the organization but also your customers.
To reach an optimal deployment process many projects and DevOps managers and engineers have adopted best practices to improve the deployment process to mitigate deployment risks. There is no silver bullet, but here are some best practices for Java deployment, which we will examine in this article.

1) Do a Reality Testing

Testing deployment in a pre-production/staging environment is essential (if not crucial) for success. Pre-production environments should be as similar to the production environment as possible. An ideal pre-production environment is composed of isolated hardware, software, and data that mirror a front-line production environment in every way. Typically, functional, regression as well as performance tests are conducted to ensure that the application still meets the requirements (functional & non-functional) once deployed in production.
The testing tools used in pre-production testing must be configured to resemble users’ activities using a complete user profile (simulating real production user activities).