Having some problems with compiling py to exe

Here is what i get when compiling py to exe using cx_Freeze... I used Admin cmd too... but it keep give me this error..
how can I make it right...please help me with this.

C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python38-32\python.exe" "E:\New folder\Python Player\Setup.py" build
running build
running build_exe
pygame 1.9.6
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
error: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'E:\New folder\Python Player'

Google Delays Mobile-First Indexing Deadline to March 2021

Google had set September 2020 as the deadline for when it would begin to fully switch over to crawling and indexing sites using mobile-first indexing but announced today that site owners will have more time to prepare. The deadline has been extended to March 2021.

Mobile-first indexing is a long-term plan that Google began rolling out in July 2019 by enabling it for new domains. The company cited “these uncertain times” as the reason for delaying the next phase of the rollout. The announcement also referenced further testing that showed a number of common issues sites are having in making the transition. Google urged site owners to pay close attention to several important issues:

  • Robots meta tags on mobile version should match the desktop version or Google may fail to index or follow links on the page.
  • Do not lazy-load primary content based on user interactions (like swiping, clicking, or typing), because the Googlebot doesn’t trigger these user interactions.
  • Avoid the bad practice of using smaller images on mobile to fit the smaller screen. Small and low quality image will not be favorably indexed.
  • Ensure content on the mobile version matches the desktop, since only the mobile version will be used for indexing and ranking in Search.
  • Include meaningful alt text for images.

Google also outlined several other tips for image and video markup and placement. The announcement is essentially a tutorial for how to improve common mistakes that can negatively impact mobile ranking and indexing.

Since mobile-first indexing is already enabled for most currently crawled sites, some speculated that the delayed deadline was due to hastily migrated mobile subdomain sites. John Mueller, Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, confirmed this is the case and advised site owners to avoid this dated approach and update at the nearest opportunity.

Before the advent of responsive design, many WordPress site owners added plugins that would create a separate mobile site to provide a more mobile-friendly browsing experience. Website visitors soon expected the entire web to be available to them on the devices they carried around in their pockets. This is now the primary way that people interact with the web, and Google’s mobile-first indexing is a reflection of this new reality.

If your WordPress site is still relying on a plugin to create a separate mobile site, or if you are using a plugin for lazy loading, make sure that the solution you have in place is following Google’s mobile-first indexing best practices. There are still 9 months remaining before Google makes mobile-first indexing and ranking the default for the entire web.

Setting up Kafka Cluster With Gluster-Block Storage

Red Hat AMQ Streams

Red Hat AMQ Streams is a massively-scalable, distributed, and high-performance data streaming platform based on the Apache ZooKeeper and Apache Kafka projects.

Kafka Bridge

AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge provides a Restful interface that allows HTTP-based clients to interact with a Kafka cluster.  Kafka Bridge offers the advantages of a web API connection to AMQ Streams, without the need for client applications to interpret the Kafka protocol.

Time Awareness: A Journey Through HMS Awareness (Part 4)


Time awareness is used to obtain holiday information in most regions and sunrise and sunset time of all cities around the world.

Barrier API

This API is used to set a timer or a barrier based on the target time. For example, one hour before and after the sunrise can be set as a sunrise barrier.

20+ Best WordPress Membership Plugins

Do you own a WordPress membership site or plan to start one soon? They’re a great way to monetize websites that share exclusive content, tutorials, discounts and more to members. Membership sites are everywhere and in every industry – including online newspaper memberships like the Wall Street Journal, discount shopping websites like Shoedazzle, or a […]

The post 20+ Best WordPress Membership Plugins appeared first on WPExplorer.

Getting Anypoint Monitoring to Work With Mule Runtime on a Mac

MuleSoft Anypoint Monitoring is an amazing tool to monitor Mule apps. It works flawlessly as long as it runs within the supported configuration. However, it’s not so fun when you primarily code and test your Mule 4 apps on a Mac. So when I experimented and gotten it to work with my RPi-powered Mule Server, I figured out how to also get Anypoint Monitoring to work with Mule Runtime on a Mac. Because, when it works, the result is glorious.

Anypoint Monitoring working with Mule on a Mac

But before I continue.

Adding Server in Runtime Manager

On-Prem Mule Runtime instances/servers can be registered with the Anypoint Runtime Manager (ARM) and managed from there. Servers use Runtime agents to communicate with ARM. This approach of having self-provisioned Mule Runtime Servers connected to Anypoint Platform using Anypoint Runtime Manager Agent is called Hybrid implementation.

One advantage of having On-Prem or Hybrid implementation over Cloudhub is that multiple applications can be connected using Mule Domain Project allowing them to share resources and connector versions which is not possible on Cloudhub.

10 Steps to Optimizing DevOps and Security

Failure to implement sufficient information security measures in today’s world could lead to severe consequences. Information security needs to be an inseparable part of the continuous delivery pipeline, which is why the concept of DevSecOps has become more and more popular.

DevOps may offer a way to remain agile and operate at immense efficiency, but that heightened efficiency should never come at the cost of security. To optimize DevOps and security as an integrated part of the pipeline, here are the 10 steps you can take.

Zero BS CRM Rebrands and Relaunches as Jetpack CRM

Screenshot of the Jetpack CRM welcome screen.
Jetpack CRM welcome screen.

Mike Stott, co-creator of Zero BS CRM, announced the launch of Jetpack CRM on Monday. The news was the seemingly inevitable rebranding of the original plugin that he and Woody Hayday had built. Automattic, the owner of the Jetpack plugin, acquired the project almost a year ago. While Jetpack CRM carries the “Jetpack” name, it is still a standalone project and has a dedicated website.

CRM stands for “customer relationship management.” Such systems allow businesses to manage relationships through an interface but can vary extensively in user experience. The goal is to manage contacts, sales, and productivity through the software.

The duo of Stott and Hayday have had a bit of a journey in the past year. In August 2019, Automattic acquired the project and provided the resources for the team to continue working on Zero BS CRM. The 3.0 launch in December 2019 was a massive undertaking that included a major database change and UI improvements. Since then, they have worked toward rebranding the project. Stott also did this with a newborn in his family.

When version 3.0 of Zero BS CRM launched, Stott said they were still discussing whether to rebrand and bring the plugin under the Jetpack umbrella. They were gathering user feedback at the time, but his primary focus was on developing features. The name was not the foremost thing on his mind. However, branding can make or break even a good project, and Jetpack is as close to a household name as any product coming out of the WordPress ecosystem. It made sense to lean on that branding.

“Jetpack’s mission is to help entrepreneurs and small businesses succeed by providing tools that keep their sites fast and secure,” said Stott. “We felt that from within the Automattic family, this was a great match. We created ZBS CRM with the same end goal in mind — helping you succeed through better customer relationships, so it just made sense.”

After nearly a year beyond the acquisition, Stott feels like things are going great within the new environment at Automattic. “We’ve found the right product fit within Automattic,” he said. “In Jetpack, we’re happy that we can really push the CRM, and it’s exciting to be part of the bigger WordPress family and being able to integrate with WooCommerce, etc.”

Version 4.0 of the plugin primarily changes the branding in the admin and lightens the UI background. The team has also continued to add small changes.

“Looking ahead, we’re excited to continue developing the CRM following user feedback,” said Stott. “We’ll be working on our roadmap and, of course, how we can best integrate with the Jetpack family.”

Growing and the Future

Jetpack CRM currently has 3,000+ active installs. This is up from 2,000 since the launch of version 3.0 last December. It has been a slow road thus far. However, there is room for growth. The leading CRM plugin, Hubspot, has 100,000+ active installs. There should be plenty of room for competing plugins in the CRM market.

“There’s a massive opportunity for CRM in the WordPress space,” said Stott. “A CRM is not like installing an SEO plugin on every website you own — generally you’d only have a single CRM for your business — but it’s the core of your business. The fact that 3,000+ users and counting are choosing WordPress to run their CRM is a great start.”

The Jetpack brand should help spur some of the growth, particularly if Automattic pushes it as an add-on within the primary Jetpack plugin.

“[Jetpack] has substantial reach among website owners who would benefit from a CRM but may not know what a CRM is,” said Stott. “While we’re happy that the plugin is still growing organically, we are just about set up to really push Jetpack CRM with full force.”

Stott believes the Hubspot comparison isn’t apples-to-apples. Unlike Jetpack CRM, the Hubspot plugin pushes users to an app that is hosted off-site.

“While this makes sense for some users, it doesn’t really take advantage of the huge benefits that native WordPress plugins offer,” he said. “Jetpack CRM sits on the user’s servers. Users manage and control their own data — a huge win under the GDPR whereas a site owner you’re legally required to know where your data is held. Not to mention that the plugin is also extendable.”

Stott said he has always loved the WordPress community’s open-source approach and the freedoms that it provides to build something custom or extend what is already there. There should be ample opportunity for developers to extend Jetpack CRM’s codebase.

“To my mind, there has never been a more exciting time for plugins like Jetpack CRM, which we envision as the ‘business layer’ for modern entrepreneurs, much like WooCommerce has democratized eCommerce,” he said.

Install and Setup Docker Using Ansible on Ubuntu 18.04 (Part 2)

In the last guide, you learned how to set up, install, and configure Ansible on Ubuntu 18.04. Now, you will use the Ansible to install and set Docker on a remote machine. To begin this guide, you need the following:

  • One Ansible Control Node: You need Ansible installed and configured machine.
  • One or more Ansible Hots: At least one remote host with Ubuntu 18.04 with sudo permissions.

Please make sure that your Ansible control node is able to connect to your Ansible remote machines. To test the connection, you can use ansible all -m ping command.

Protractor Tutorial: Handling iFrames and Frames in Selenium

While performing Selenium test automation, you’d often come across scenarios where you’d need to handle frames or iframes. Frames are used to split the content into horizontal and vertical splits, while iframes are used to embed content on a web page. 

In this Protractor testing tutorial, I’ll take a look at how to handle frames and iframes in Selenium with Protractor. To learn more about Protractor, and how to perform Protractor testing, you can refer to this Protractor testing tutorial to perform cross-browser testing. 

In-Depth Understanding of Privilege Escalation Attacks

Privilege Escalation: What is it?

Privilege escalation takes place whenever a cyber-attacker deploys a bug, design flaw, or any form of a configuration error in an application or operating system for gaining elevated and direct access to the resources that are usually not available to a user. The attacker now uses the earned privileges for stealing confidential data and deploy malware with the intent of damaging the OS, server applications, and ultimately, the reputation of an organization. This type of attack on organizational data can be carried out even by an unsophisticated hacker for gaining the escalate privileges, the reason being most of the business organizations don’t use sufficient security measures and controls.

Types of Privilege Escalation

Following are the two types of privilege escalation attacks:

SOA Governance to API Management — A Pragmatic Approach


Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is one of the foundational architecture styles that engineers used within enterprise software systems in the past and there are still a considerable amount of enterprises using it. As we all know, technology is an ever-evolving field like most of the other fields. Some people say that Microservices Architecture (MSA) is “SOA done right”. In my personal view, that statement is partially true. MSA has a way more to figure out in terms of management and governance of microservices.

SOA governance was a complicated process and many enterprises have failed to apply that within their SOA projects. It required the entire IT teams to change the way they have been doing things pre-SOA era and in most cases, people were reluctant to accept those changes. All in all, the failure of the adoption of SOA governance was not entirely because it was not good for the enterprises, but it was complicated to implement and the IT generation of that time was not entirely ready for that level of governance and control.

How SLOs Help Your Team With Service Ownership

Service ownership is becoming a best practice for teams looking to innovate while maintaining the level of reliability that customers expect. Service ownership means seeing the service through its entire lifecycle. In short, it means you build it, you run it. You’ll be responsible for the service’s security, reliability, performance, and quality. 

This doesn’t mean you won’t have help from SREs to optimize or automate toil. It does mean that, as a developer, you need to build with quality in mind as you’ll be on call if your code breaks.

Google Improves Paging API with Kotlin

Google has released a new version of the Paging API. The company says Paging API 3 is a complete overhaul of the library based on Kotlin. The idea was to incorporate the changes asked for by developers, which include simpler handling of errors, wider list transformations, and support for list, footer, and header separators. The alpha API still supports Java users. Here's what you need to know.