Staff Absence Management Guide for Agile Teams

Creating a staff absence management policy is often challenging. Whether that be creating it from scratch or amending one already in place. Many aspects need to be considered when creating a staff absence management policy. What is it targeted to? What details do you need to include in the policy? How are you going to incorporate the company’s goals into the new absence policy? — So on and so forth. Therefore, we created a thorough staff absence management guide to get you the answers to your questions so you can create a policy best suited for your company.

What is Staff Absence Management?

 Staff absence management includes policies and procedures in an aim to reduce employee absence. Previously, the approach was vastly different from what you see today. Historically, the approach was limited to controlling absence and preventing absenteeism. Nowadays, however, absence management is not merely aimed at trying to ensure attendance for everyone, except for those who have a valid excuse. Absence management is more complex now. Covering a range of initiatives and procedures to try and eliminate disproportionate and persistent absences.