How to Work From Home When Your Kids Are Home, Too

Well folks, here we are. Word came down over the weekend that all schools here in the Great Bold North (otherwise known as Minnesota) would close for a few weeks. Maybe longer. Our district has been prepping a remote learning plan, and while that’s being finalized, the kids basically get some bonus snow days. But my husband and I? No snow days for us. We’ll need to be working from home as normal – or as close to normal as we can manage.

Fortunately for us, working from home is our normal, as we’re both full-time remote employees. So we’ve had some practice dealing with the kiddos being at the house with us on days school is closed for parent-teacher conferences, curriculum development, and, y’know, actual snow. If, like us, you’re suddenly a stay-at-home parent and stay-at-home employee, here are a few ways to make this experience less stressful.