How to return value of Longitude and latitude for GPS1 from json ?

How to return value of longtide and latitude from json using angular 7?

my url as following :

json returned from url above is :

{"_index":"location","_type":"_doc","_id":"27737","_version":1,"_seq_no":5577,"_primary_term":1,"found":true,"_source":{"Locid":27737,"GPS1":"25.0173, 121.462","GPS2":"2501'02.2\"N 12127'44.8\"E","CompanyID":1005070,"ads":"142 Sec. 1, HsIn Nan Rd cung Ko Dst, New Taipei City, Taiwan","Crid":75,"con":"Taiwan","Ctid":5894,"Cn":"Zhonghe District","pushdate":"2019-12-26T03:38:20.883"}}

I need to return two values from GPS1 :

longtiude : 25.0173

latitude : 121.462

Based on LocationId parameter :27737

So that I need to create service

take location id parameters

and return two values of GPS1

then set values returned of longtude and latitude

on ngOinInit Event

How to create service then call it on ngOnInit

call service here  

Graphic Design Trends in 2020 You Need To Look Out For

vibrant colors graphic designs 2020

2020 is literally just hours away and we want to talk about 5 graphic design trends in 2020 that you’ll need to be looking out for.

We all know that there are some design trends that are bomb and some that should just hide under a rock and go away forever.

Today, we only want to go over the best of the best of graphic design trends in 2020.

So let’s do this.

Graphic Design Trends in 2020 You Need To Look Out For

So let’s do this. May the new year bring loads of good times and good graphic design trends!


Realism and 3D designs are a trend that reigned all of 2019, and we expect it to become even more popular during 2020.

design trends 2020

Technology is constantly evolving and improving and we’re always impressed and excited to see what designers will do with this. We’re convinced that we will continue to see 3D designs all throughout 2020.

realism design trend


Lots of people always like to combine real objects and images into their designs, but if this is something you choose to do, make sure you avoid the uncanny effect!

realism design trends 2020


lemonade ad design trends 2020 realism



Another trend we don’t expect to take a back seat this upcoming year is minimalism.

Minimalism has been slowly creeping in on us for a while, and almost everyone seems to embrace it with open arms.

And the best part about minimalism you may ask? Less work.

I’m just kidding. Designing something minimally can be just as much work and take just as much brainpower as making a 3D intricate design.

It has to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye and make sense within a single glance.

Let’s take a look at some examples.

minimalism design trends 2020



minimalism design trends 2020


Vibrant Color PalletesĀ 

I’ve been reading a lot about color associations recently and I’ve learned that people will ignore neutral colors or worse, won’t even notice them, whereas when someone sees a vibrant color after seeing lots of neutrals, it’ll break the boredom and they will feel notions of excitement and fun.

This year in 2020, break all of the rules and embrace the vibrant colors that this world has to offer.

Life is short, use all the colors!

Stand out of the crowd by using bright and vibrant colors.

design trends 2020



vibrant colors graphic designs 2020



Following more color schemes, we present to you, the shiny metals trend.

This is definitely something that I like to see and you’ll see it a lot on packaging.

design trends 2020


Line Art

And finally, we come to our last graphic design trend of 2020 for this article which is line art.

Line art is a branch of minimalism and is a simplified illustration style that takes a lot of creativity.

It is clean and elegant and very intriguing to look at. See for yourself!



Saying Goodbye to 2019

Thanks for sticking by our side another year and we are more than thrilled to see what design trends this next year holds for each of us.

We wish you a happy New Year’s and all our best wishes.

We hope you enjoyed the 2020 design trends that you can expect to see. What trends do you expect to see in 2020? Let us know in the comment sections below.

Happy New Year’s, everyone!



Read More at Graphic Design Trends in 2020 You Need To Look Out For

Why PSI, DP, and SMC Are the Future of Data Privacy

Privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA are changing the way data is collected and used. Data-driven organizations use data collaboration to understand their customers and research organizations that rely on data collaboration to advance research are being restricted. As more privacy regulations come online, what can organizations do to future-proof their use of data, whilst still adhering to privacy regulations?

Technology is now available that will allow organizations to continue to collaborate without ever exposing or moving the underlying data. 

Open Data Initiative – ODI

Acknowledging the need and importance of friction-free customer engagement and significant experience, Microsoft has stepped up to launch the open data initiative partnering with Adobe and SAP. With ODI, the trio aims to enhance the customer experience offering a more personalized profile. It entails the likelihood where data from different kinds of channels can be clubbed together to build a streamlined user profile in real-time. This can be regarded as the initiative to redefine customer experience management.  

Why Such an Initiative and Why Now?  

There have been tons of debates questioning the need for this partnership and the likes of an open data initiative. It is no doubt that data is ruling every business activity today. Companies have shifted from adopting a revenue-driven approach to customer-oriented undertakings. Technologies excel on the data front to build and deliver user-specific solutions. And this is just the start. According to a survey, there would be around 47k exabytes of data by 2020, and the number is only expected to rise.  

What Should an Author Bio Block Look Like?

Mockups of two author bio blocks. One with centered elements. The other with a left image and right bio.
Two author bio block mock-ups compared.

Joshua Wold, co-representative for the WordPress design team, shared an early exploration of an author card block. Community members explored several ideas at the design table during the contributor day at WordCamp US 2019. In the post, Wold followed up on the original sketches from that melding of design minds.

The original idea for the author block was a GitHub ticket created in July 2017, but it was far ahead of its time. The Gutenberg project needed to focus on the basics and more common blocks for post content at that point. Now is the time to shift gears and begin work on these more complex blocks that will likely be a large part of the full-site editing phase of the project.

Currently, there are several proposed components to the author block:

  • Image/Avatar
  • Name
  • Description/Biography
  • Website Link
  • Social Network Links
  • Recommended Posts

I am on the fence about a recommended posts option as part of the block. If they were recommended posts written by that author, it could be an interesting concept to explore. However, version 1 of the block should focus on the most common elements, which the other components in the list cover.

Wold asked four key questions about the future of the block. The following are my responses to each.

What Is the Value of the Block and How Will It Be Used?

Coming from the theme world, what surprises me is that WordPress has never standardized on this feature at this point. Author bio sections are commonplace in theme development. Core should have standardized this feature years ago. We have a standard search form, comment list, featured image, and more. Many of the features that WordPress has standardized over the years were born out of theme designers carving the path forward, and author bios are no different.

It has long made sense for an author bio template tag to exist. However, we are living in a block world. The concept has merely shifted.

We do not need an author bio block today. We will need it tomorrow. As we shift closer and closer to full-site editing, we need to be building, iterating, and testing these types of blocks in preparation for the point of no return. This block, along with similar blocks, should drop in core at the same time the switch is flipped on full-site editing.

The primary use case will be for end-users to edit their theme’s block templates to stick the author bio at the end of their single post views. However, such a block need not be limited to that scenario. Users could create a “team” or “authors” page on their site. Some may want to drop these into columns or create some sort of gallery of author bios.

I could see taking this even further and naming it a “user bio” block. Use cases do not have to be centered around the concept of an author.

Where Should the Author Data Come From?

The primary, or at least initial, source of data should come from user data and metadata stored in the database. It does not make sense to duplicate efforts by retyping content within the block if it already exists.

One big question will be around social icons. If these are a part of the block, there is no current source to pull the URLs from. If automatically generating the data, WordPress will need to add social media contact methods to the user profile screen in the admin. That can be a slippery slope when deciding which social networks to include. However, core WordPress could stick to three or four major networks and provide a filter hook for plugin authors to utilize along with a standard for how additional fields are handled.

There is also the possibility that this block could simply be a pre-defined pattern of existing, smaller blocks that pulled in data like a user biography, user social icons, and user avatar. Then, the site owner could move other blocks in and out as they saw fit.

What Block Design Options Should Be Available?

The obvious design options are the standard text color, background color, and font size options. Border design options would be a bonus, but that goes beyond the scope of this specific block.

The standard alignment options would be welcome, particularly center, wide, and full. An alignment option for the avatar image to shift it left or right could also be useful. It could work similarly to the existing Media & Text core block.

I would not go overboard with design options. Let theme authors create custom block styles for users to choose from. That is the theme author’s job.

What Additional Features Should the Block Handle?

Outside of an avatar and biography, a social icon list is the most necessary feature. It is almost ubiquitous with author bio boxes.

What I would like to see is an author/user “gallery” block that builds upon this initial idea. At the moment, I am already imagining the painful user experience of creating a team page and putting individual user bio blocks into columns. Then, I am further imagining having to update that page and potentially move columns around. As an end-user, there are times when I want to micro-manage certain aspects of my site. This would not be one of them. Just give me a simple block to list user bios in some sort of columnized format.

Such a block could provide an avenue for many types of options. Maybe an option to list authors of a certain post type. Perhaps an option to list users by role. Or, let me list the top users by post count.

This idea may be pushing over into plugin territory. However, in terms of what I would want to do with my sites, this would be high on the list.

So Many Color Links

There's been a run of tools, articles, and resources about color lately. Please allow me to close a few tabs by rounding them up here for your enjoyment.

Curated colors in context

Happy Hues demonstrates a bunch of color palettes in the context of the site itself. That's a nice way to do it, because choosing nice colors isn't enough — it's all about context. It can go bad, as the Refactoring UI blog demonstrates.

Dynamic, Date-Based Color with JavaScript, HSL, and CSS Variables

Rob Weychert shows off how he created date-based color schemes (so that every single day of the past 30 years would have a unique color scheme, each day looking slightly different than the day before).

Calculating Color: Dynamic Color Theming with Pure CSS.

Una Kravets creates color themes just with CSS. No JavaScript. No CSS preprocessing. Just Custom Properties, HSL colors, and some calc() in Calculating Color: Dynamic Color Theming with Pure CSS.

Color Tools

We've tweeted about color tools a lot. We've even threaded them up from time-to-time.

Visualizing Every Pantone Color of the Year

Adam Fuhrer took 20 years of top Pantone colors and matched them with wonderful photos. I love that the photos link to the personal sites of the actual photographers. It weirdly reminds me that you can browse Dribbble by color.

A Handy Sass-Powered Tool for Making Balanced Color Palettes

Stephanie Eckles blogged about using Sass to do math on colors to calculate and graph their luminance, saturation, and lightness, which can give you a by-the-numbers look to see if your color scheme is cohesive or not.


Leonardo is an interactive color palette tool that helps interpolate colors and generate variations based on contrast ratio.

Color Puns


The post So Many Color Links appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

How Real-Time APIs Power Our Lives

How Real-Time APIs Power Our Lives

The other day I went to dinner, and it made me appreciate the need for fast application programming interfaces (APIs). Confused? Let me explain.

To get to dinner, I used an app to hail a car from my smartphone. Most of us are familiar with this routine ā€” you open the app, enter your destination, get a ride, step out of the car when you arrive, and pay for your trip automatically using the credit card on file. While you're waiting for the driver to pick you up, the map updates in real time to indicate the location of the car on approach. But on that day, the app did not update the map. I waited five increasingly uncomfortable minutes, not knowing if a driver was on the way or had even accepted my request. After 10 minutes, I got frustrated and switched to an alternative ride-hailing app! This time I was successful and watched in real time as my driver approached and picked me up. I made it to dinner with a few minutes to spare.

Make Small Talk With Your Boss (With the Help of Graph-Based Recommendations)

Weā€™re all used to the idea of digital content recommendations by now.

Netflix recommends films and shows we might want to watch based on our preferences and past viewing history. Spotify recommends songs and artists to us that we might want to listen to based on what weā€™ve played recently and/or most extensively. And Amazon recommends Kindle books we might want to read based on the authors and topics weā€™ve shown an interest in.

How AI Is Saving Lives and Stopping Human Trafficking

How AI Is Saving Lives and Stopping Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a horrific crime that impacts between two and four million victims. The impact of modern-day slavery is far-reaching and affects families across the globe. Social scientists, developers, and law enforcement are working together to cut down on the number of people victimized by human trafficking.

Everyone involved was at a loss when trying to track down and arrest these criminals. Worse yet, the trafficker would likely only get charged with one crime, even if they were running a trafficking empire.

Compare The Best Video Conferencing Services

Want to jump straight to the answer? The best video conferencing service for most people is Vonage.

Video conferencing software has to work perfectly, or it doesn’t really work at all. If there’s any lag in the video, it’s nearly impossible to have a conversation. If someone doesn’t get the invite, you may have to reschedule.

Below you’ll find my top picks for video conferencing services. These are affordable, reliable, secure options your business can depend on.

The 9 Best Video Conferencing Services

Best of 2023: Vonage, Ooma, ClickMeeting, Zoho Meeting, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Webex, GoTo Meeting, and RingCentral.

All of the video conferencing solutions that I reviewed in this guide are quality options. But these are my three favorite that stand out above the rest:

  • VonageĀ ā€” Best for healthcare organizations
  • OomaĀ ā€” Best for collaborative video calls
  • ClickMeetingĀ ā€” Best video conferencing software for webinars
How to choose a video conferencing service.'s methodology for reviewing video conferencing services.

These video conferencing services are not rankedā€” all have pros and cons. Use the in-depth reviews below to compare them, and find the one that works best for your needs.

Vonage – Best for Healthcare Organizations

  • HIPAA compliant
  • HITRUST CSF certification
  • PCI compliant
  • Custom video APIs
Get Started

Vonage offers a complete unified communications suite to businesses of all shapes and sizes. But one area where it really shines above the crowd is its dedicated healthcare solutions. 

With so many healthcare practices offering virtual appointments and consultations, the ability to keep patient data safe is more important than ever before. 

Vonage healthcare solutions landing page with a woman and baby video conferencing with a doctor.
Vonage makes it easy to consult with patient’s from anywhere while keeping their data safe.

Vonageā€™s video conferencing is HIPAA-compliant and PCI-compliant. The software also has a HITRUST CSF certification, which is one of the most widely adopted security frameworks for healthcare companies in the US.

In addition to basic video conferencing, Vonage has advanced communication APIs. This lets you fully personalize the patient experience in a way that works best for your practice. So whether youā€™re running a small therapistā€™s office, a large hospital, or something in between, Vonage can be customized to fit your needs. 

Beyond the ability to meet with patients through a video call, healthcare organizations can use Vonage to collaborate internally as well. So if a primary care physician wants to consult with a surgeon about a patient, they can do so without having to be in the same building. 

Basic Vonage plans start at $17.99 per month per line. To access video conferencing, youā€™ll need a Premium plan, which starts at $27.99 per month per line.

Consult with a Vonage expert if youā€™re interested in a dedicated healthcare solution and video API. Theyā€™ll guide you in the right direction for your unique needs.

Ooma – Best for Collaborative Video Calls

  • Unlimited call recording
  • Unlimited calls and SMS
  • Password-protected meetings
  • Over 50 standard features
Get Started

Ooma is a popular phone solution for small businesses. Itā€™s a great way for smaller offices to get all communications needs under one roofā€”including voice, video, text messaging, virtual fax, and video conferencing. 

All Ooma business phone plans come with over 50 standard features. 

In terms of video conferencing, Ooma has one of the most unique features on the market. You can simultaneously share screens with another person on a video call. 

Two screens being shared simultaneously during an Ooma video call
Simultaneous screen sharing on Ooma is an excellent way to collaborate during meetings.

I love this feature, and itā€™s something I wish was available on other business phone systems. Itā€™s a great way to compare notes and share information in a way thatā€™s more collaborative than a single screen share. This can also be used for collaborative presentations.

Meeting hosts have the ability to mute participants and add password protection to calls. Ooma also supports unlimited meeting recordings and storage for three months. 

I also love that Ooma is compatible with traditional office phones in addition to its mobile and desktop app. This is perfect if part of your team works in a traditional office setting.

Hereā€™s a quick overview of Oomaā€™s plans and pricing:

  • Essentials ā€” $19.95 per user per month
  • Pro ā€” $24.95 per user per month
  • Pro Plus ā€” $29.95 per user per month

Video conferencing is only available on the Pro and Pro Plus plans. Itā€™s well worth the extra $5 per month, as this plan also gives you access to the Ooma desktop app, text messaging, and call recording. All plans come with a free local or toll-free number.

ClickMeeting – Best Video Conferencing Service For Webinars

  • Free 30-day trial
  • Best for webinars
  • Up to 1,000 attendees
  • Enterprise solutions available
Try ClickMeeting for free

ClickMeeting is a bit different compared to some of the other video conferencing services. This platform has a unique feature: webinars.

Itā€™s a great option for anyone who wants to hold large online events, market products with video demonstrations, and host online courses or training sessions with live video.

ClickMeeting also offers traditional video conferencing solutions for team meetings and business collaboration. However, if that’s all you need, I’d look at other options on this list.

Pricing is complicated too. There are two plans, and each offers different levels and costs depending on how many attendees you have.

Hereā€™s an overview of those price points per month for each plan:


  • Up to 25 ā€” $30
  • Up to 50 ā€” $45
  • Up to 100 ā€” $79
  • Up to 200 ā€” $149
  • Up to 500 ā€” $179
  • Up to 1,000 ā€” $309


  • Up to 25 ā€” $45
  • Up to 50 ā€” $55
  • Up to 100 ā€” $95
  • Up to 200 ā€” $179
  • Up to 500 ā€” $229
  • Up to 1,000 ā€” $359

For video conferences with more than 1,000 attendees, contact the ClickMeeting sales team for a custom enterprise solution.

You can try ClickMeeting free for 30 days and run webinars with up to 25 attendees to try it out. Save up to 20% with annual billing instead of a month-to-month contract.

The Automated plan is your best option for broadcasting professional video webinars. This plan comes with advanced features like auto-streaming to Facebook or YouTube, automated follow-up emails to attendees, Google Analytics integration, and certificates of attendance.

ClickMeeting is definitely pricey compared to the other options on our list, which is why I wouldnā€™t recommend it for just basic video conferencing use. But the price is worth it if youā€™re planning to use the webinar features.

More Great Video Conferencing Software

Zoho Meeting – Most Affordable Video Conferencing Service With Basic Features

  • Plans as low as $3/month
  • Screen sharing
  • Moderator controls
  • Integrates with Zoho CRM
Get Started for Free

Zoho Meeting is arguably the most straightforward video conferencing solution on the market today. There aren’t a bunch of bells and whistles. 

Some of Zohoā€™s top features include:

  • RSVP scheduling
  • Screen sharing
  • Moderator controls
  • Embed meeting links
  • In-session chat
  • Lock meetings

Youā€™ll also have the ability to switch a presenter, give someone control, and remove users from a video conference.

As expected, Zoho Meeting integrates seamlessly with Zoho CRM. So if youā€™re already using a Zoho product, this will be a top option for you to consider.

This isnā€™t the most feature-rich video conferencing software out there. But itā€™s a quality solution for small business owners who just need basic features and already utilize Zoho products.

Pricing is tiered based on the number of participants in a meeting, and charged per host per month. Hereā€™s a breakdown of what that looks like:

  • 10 participants ā€” $3 per host per month
  • 25 participants ā€” $6 per host per month
  • 50 participants ā€” $9 per host per month
  • 100 participants ā€” $12 per host per month
  • 150 participants ā€” $14 per host per month
  • 200 participants ā€” $16 per host per month
  • 250 participants ā€” $18 per host per month

Thereā€™s also a free forever plan with limited features that supports 100 meeting participants and 100 webinar attendees. 

You can save up to 15% when you sign up for annual billing. Try Zoho Meeting for free with a 14-day trial

Microsoft Teams – Best Video Conferencing Service For Internal Communication

  • Free entry level plan
  • Premium plan starts at $12.50/mo
  • Chat, audio, and video capabilities
  • Best for 1-on-1 meetings
Try it now

Microsoft Teams is an instant messaging service with chat, audio, and video capability. The platform is designed specifically for internal comms in the workplace.

With the ability to support group sizes of 10 or 10,000, MS Teams is the ultimate in-house communication solution.

Screenshot of Microsoft Teams webpage that says "Connect naturally" and shows images of their platform on desktop and mobile

MS Teams shines over competitors like Slack with its superior technology and video conferencing features. But the setup, usage, and onboarding are a bit more complex compared to other options on the market. 

MS Teams is best when itā€™s accessed from a desktop device or web app. Your team can also take advantage of the mobile app version of the software, but itā€™s not as easy to navigate as the web version.

Letā€™s take a quick look at the plans and pricing options:

  • Microsoft Teams ā€” Free
  • Microsoft Teams Essentials ā€” $4 per user per month
  • Microsoft 365 Business Basic ā€” $6 per user per month
  • Microsoft 365 Business Standard ā€” $12.50 user per month
  • Microsoft 365 Business Premium ā€” $22 per user per month

All paid plans are only available with an annual contract. 

Youā€™ll still have access to quite a few features with the free version, including video calls. But youā€™ll need Office 365 Business Premium to get the most out of this software.

Paid plans have 140+ app integrations, 1 TB of storage, scheduled meetings, meeting recordings, and administrative support. Our in-depth Microsoft Teams review covers its features and capabilities in greater detail.

Aside from its complexity, MS Teams does have some limitations. Itā€™s not really a true video conferencing service. Instead, itā€™s better for one-on-one video meetings or smaller groups. 

If you want to host large-scale video conferences and make presentations to clients, you should look elsewhere for a more suitable solution.

Overall, this is a solid option for any business thatā€™s committed to using a Microsoft ecosystem

Zoom – Best Video Conferencing Service For Scalability

  • Free for up to 100 participants
  • Pro plan starts at $14.99 per month
  • HD video conferences
  • Cloud recording features
Try it now

Since launching in 2011, Zoom has quickly become an industry leader in the video conferencing space. The software is trusted by large businesses like Ticketmaster, Uber, Pandora, and GoDaddy, just to name a few.

Zoom shines with its simplicity, which is highlighted in our full Zoom review. There’s a plan for businesses of any shape and size, including a free-forever option.

Zoom has video conferencing capabilities with up to 1,000 participants, and up to 49 videos on the screen simultaneously.

Zoom Meetings landing page with a man and a woman at a desk looking at a computer
Zoom helps connect entire organizations with video conferencing.

The platform is secure and has role-based user security options, password protection, and waiting rooms. Zoom makes it easy for your team to collaborate with screen sharing, filing sharing, and other interactive features.

Zoom is modern, so naturally, the service can also be accessed from a mobile app. This is perfect for participants who are on the go and unable to reach a computer for a meeting.

Hereā€™s an overview of Zoom’s pricing model:

Basic ā€” Free

  • Unlimited one-on-one meetings
  • Up to 100 participants
  • 40-minute limit on group meetings
  • Unlimited number of meetings

Pro ā€” $14.99 per month per host

  • All basic features
  • 24-hour meeting limit
  • User management tools
  • Admin feature controls
  • Reporting tools
  • 1 GB of cloud recording

Business ā€” $19.99 per month per host

  • All of the Pro features
  • Up to 10 hosts
  • Up to 300 participants
  • Dedicated phone support
  • Company branding
  • Cloud recording transcripts
  • Admin dashboard

Enterprise ā€” $19.99 per month per host

  • All of the Business features
  • Up to 50 hosts
  • Up to 1,000 participants
  • Unlimited cloud storage
  • Dedicated customer support manager
  • Executive business reviews
  • Bundle discounts available for Zoom Rooms and webinars

As you can see, there is a plan for everyone. The free option is an excellent choice for a small team or freelancer who only needs to video chat once in a while for brief meetings.

Beyond personal use, youā€™ll need to upgrade to the Pro or Business plans to get the most out of Zoom. Fortunately, Zoom makes it easy for you to scale to another plan as your company grows.

Just be aware that your plan will impact the level of customer support you receive. To get premium support, youā€™ll need to upgrade.

Webex – Best Video Conferencing Service For Cloud Collaboration

  • Free up to 50 participants
  • Upgrade for as low as $16.95/mo
  • Unlimited meetings
  • Cloud storage features

>> Compare Quotes

Cisco is a brand name thatā€™s synonymous with superior business technology. So it should be no surprise that Cisco Webex ranks so highly on our list for video conferencing software.

With Webex, you can host massive virtual events with up to 100,000 participants and run an interactive webinar for 3,000-person audiences.

Webex is perfect if you need to run on-demand training lessons for large groups as well. This is a great tool for onboarding employees at scale throughout multiple locations.

Webex video conference in use with nine people on the screen, all different sizes
You can use webex to join or host video conferences from your computer or mobile app.

The Webex mobile app is another standout feature of the platform. Hosting and joining meetings are both simple and accessible from anywhere.

Arguably the best part about this video conferencing software is the cloud collaboration features. Itā€™s easy to share files and screens with other meeting participants to stay organized and make the conference more interactive. That’s what makes them great for teams.

Cisco offers four different plans for you to choose from, including a basic free option.

Free ā€” $0 per month

  • Up to 50 participants
  • 40-minute limit on meetings
  • Unlimited meetings
  • 1 GB of cloud storage

Starter ā€” $16.95 per month per host

  • Up to 50 participants
  • Unlimited meeting duration
  • 5 GB of cloud storage
  • Recording transcriptions
  • User management
  • Application and file sharing

Plus ā€” $22.95 per month per host

  • Up to 100 participants
  • Assign alternate hosts
  • Allow others to schedule meetings for the host
  • Customizable Webex URL
  • Admin portal
  • 24/7 customer support

Business ā€” $32.95 per month per host

  • Up to 200 participants
  • 10 GB of cloud storage
  • Branding and custom options
  • Single sign-on
  • Active Directory sync
  • Minimum five licenses per month

At first glance, the Webex prices appear to be higher than Zoom. However, you can save 20% per month with an annual contract.

Itā€™s also worth noting that the Webex Plus plan doesnā€™t have any host minimums, and the business plan has just a five-license minimum. Zoom has a 10- and 50-host minimum for their plans at similar price points.

So Webex will be a better option if you want those business or enterprise-level features for a smaller team.

GoTo Meeting – Best Video Conferencing Service For Small Businesses

  • Free 14-day trial
  • HD video conferencing
  • No time limits for meetings
  • Mobile app and Slack integration
Try GoTo Meeting for free

GoTo Meeting makes it easy for you to turn any video conference into a highly collaborative workspace.

It’s a fantastic choice for remote workers from sales managers to business owners to IT teams.

Why? GoTo Meeting easily integrates with the systems your business is currently using.

It also offers an all-in-one hardware and software kit for those of you who want to transform your physical conference room into a digital one. This hardware is more advanced than the built-in cameras, microphones, and speakers on your current devices.

GoToMeeting homepage

Some other top features and benefits of using GoTo Meeting for video conferencing include:

  • Cloud collaboration
  • Automatic bandwidth adjustments
  • Available on Mac, PC, iOS, and Android
  • Single-click start and join sessions
  • Multi-channel support
  • Integrated scheduling

GoTo Meeting offers three plans to choose from:

  • Professional – $12 per organizer per month billed annually
  • Business – $16 per organizer per month billed annually
  • Enterprise ā€“ Contact sales to request a quote

The Professional and Business plans are very similar. You get unlimited meetings and unlimited meeting durations with either plan. Youā€™ll also benefit from Salesforce integration, Slack meeting launcher, and an admin center with both plans.

The significant difference is the Professional plan can host up to 150 participants while the Business plan supports up to 250 participants. In addition, the Business plan also offers extra video meeting features like transcripts, keyboard and mouse sharing, unlimited cloud storage, drawing tools, meeting lock, note taking, and mobile cloud recording.

I think signing up for the Business option instead of Professional is a no-brainer. The added benefits are worth the extra $4 per month.

A screenshot of features for the GoToMeeting Professional, Business, and Enterprise plans

GoTo Meeting also offers enterprise-grade plans for up to 3,000 participants. But those prices arenā€™t available online. Youā€™ll need to speak to a sales rep for a custom quote.

Save 16% on your GoTo Meeting plan with an annual contract.

You can try GoTo Meeting for free with up to 250 participants for 14 days.

RingCentral – Best Video Conferencing Service With VoIP Business Phone Plans

  • Free up to 100 participants
  • Video, screen share, & messaging
  • VoIP phone service plans
  • Small to enterprise solutions
Get Started for Free

Just for starters, RingCentral is our top choice for video conferencing.

But they go well beyond video conferencing services. They also offer VoIP business phone services.

You can get rid of your traditional phone plan, too. RingCentral provides video conferencing features as an added bonus.

Ringcentral home page.

You can always purchase RingCentral Meetings as a standalone product. Those plans are below:

Free ā€” $0 per month

  • Up to 100 participants
  • Unlimited one-on-one meetings
  • 40-minute limit on group meetings

Essentials ā€” $14.99 per month per user

  • Up to 100 participants
  • Unlimited group meetings
  • 24/7 phone support
  • 1,000 call minutes per license

Advanced ā€” $19.99 per month per user

  • Up to 100 participants
  • 2,500 call minutes
  • Real-time usage dashboard
  • SLA available

The free plan is decent if you compare it to others on the list. The meetings cap at 40 minutes each, but you can still have up to 100 participants.

Paid plans are also limited to just 100 participants, which is low compared to the competition. However, you can add on larger meeting options to your plan for an upcharge.

RingCentral also has great enterprise solutions. Youā€™ll need to contact their sales team to get a custom quote. But you can save some money by bundling RingCentral Meetings with a VoIP business phone.

Check out our complete RingCentral video review to learn more.

How to Find the Best Video Conferencing Services

Now that youā€™ve had a chance to review the top solutions on the market, how can you find the best option for your unique situation? This is the methodology that I used to come up with this guide.

Iā€™ve identified each feature set that matters the most and why you need to take it into consideration when youā€™re evaluating prospective platforms.

Conference Size

In the world of work-from-home and distributed teams, video conferencing sizes are a very important consideration.

Make sure you choose a service and plan that can accommodate the number of people you need for your video conferences. You donā€™t want to overpay for a plan that has participant limits that youā€™ll never reach. But more importantly, you donā€™t want to be in a situation where your participant list is too large for your platform and plan.

Meeting Length

With the global pandemic putting a ton of people into remote work, businesses and schools need to be able to take as long as they need for certain calls.

That’s why we took a close look at how long each plan allows you to meet when determining this list. Often, they had to be counterbalanced with how many participants are allowed in a plan as well.

After all, a plan that offers unlimited time but with only a dozen participants might not be helpful for larger teams.

Scheduling Options

Good video conferencing tools allow you to schedule easily and across a wide breadth of calendar apps.

When looking at scheduling options, see if they integrate with common planning and calendar services such as Google Calendar, iCal, and Office 365.

Video Streams

You might be able to have a large number of participants in a conference, but that doesnā€™t necessarily mean that every user will be able to broadcast a video stream.

For example, RingCentral plans have up to 100 participants per meeting, but limit you to just ten simultaneous video streams.

So donā€™t be swayed by the participant limits alone. Always check to see how many users can actually stream a video at the same time.

Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools are crucial for groups and teams.

Features like screen sharing, built-in chat, file sharing, and cloud collaboration are very useful for presentations and group projects. Itā€™s also helpful when a video conferencing service integrates with existing tools and platforms that youā€™re already using to run a business. You can look for features like Salesforce integration or Google Analytics integration.

The Top Video Conferencing Services in Summary

Video conferencing software has become the new normal for business use, especially with remote work and dispersed teams trending upward. For daily standups, interviews with prospective hires, and quick calls to prevent long email chains, video conferencing improves efficiency in the workplace.

It’s worth noting that your internet connection will impact the quality of your video conferencing calls. So you should always test your connection or sign up for a free trial to see how the quality holds up.

Compare Quotes From The Best Video Conferencing Services

Get matched up with a video conferencing service that fits your specific needs.

Compare Quotes

How Many Websites Should We Build?

Someone emailed me:

What approach to building a site should I take?

  1. Build a single responsive website
  2. Build a site on a single domain, but detect mobile, and render a separate mobile site
  3. Build a separate mobile site on a subdomain

It's funny how quickly huge industry-defining conversations fade from view. This was probably the biggest question in web design and development this past decade, and we came up with an answer: It's #1, you should build a responsive website. Any other answer and you're building multiple websites and the pain from that comes from essentially doubling the workload, splitting teams, communication problems across those teams, inconsistencies across the sites, and an iceberg of other pain points this industry has struggled with for ages.

But, the web is a big place.

This emailer specifically mentioned as their example. IMDB is an absolutely massive site with a large team (they are owned by Amazon) and lots of money flying around. If the IMDB team decides they would be better off building multiple websites, well that's their business. They've got the resources to do whatever the heck they want.

The post How Many Websites Should We Build? appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

7 Uses for CSS Custom Properties

I find all seven of these quite clever and useful.

I particularly like using custom properties when you can sneak a variation into a place where you'd normally have to re-declare a whole big chunk of code.

.some-element {
  background-color: hsla(
    var(--h, 120),
    var(--s, 50),
    var(--l, 50),
    var(--a, 1)

.some-element.darker {
  --l: 20;


Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

The post 7 Uses for CSS Custom Properties appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

10+ Best Themes for Thrive Architect in 2020 (Beautiful & Functional)

Page builders take away much of the grunt work in building websites, and make it (almost) a fun activity. This is true especially for non-coders. Whatā€™s even better is when you have a base theme thatā€™s compatible with your page builder! In todayā€™s post, we round up the best themes for Thrive Architect, a page builder from Thrive Themes.

Helping Browsers Optimize With The CSS Contain Property

Helping Browsers Optimize With The CSS Contain Property

Helping Browsers Optimize With The CSS Contain Property

Rachel Andrew

In this article, Iā€™m going to introduce a CSS Specification that has just become a W3C Recommendation. The CSS Containment Specification defines a single property, contain, and it can help you to explain to the browser which parts of your layout are independent and will not need recalculating if some other part of the layout changes.

While this property exists for performance optimization reasons, it can also affect the layout of your page. Therefore, in this article, Iā€™ll explain the different types of containment you can benefit from, but also the things you need to watch out for if applying contain to elements in your site.

The Problem Of Layout Recalculation

If you are building straightforward web pages that do not dynamically add or change elements after they have loaded using JavaScript, you donā€™t need to worry about the problem that CSS Containment solves. The browser only needs to calculate your layout once, as the page is loaded.

Where Containment becomes useful is when you want to add elements to your page without the user needing to reload it. In my example, I created a big list of events. If you click the button, the first event is modified, a floated element is added, and the text is changed:

A listing of items with a button to change some of the content in the first item
(See the initial example on CodePen)

When the content of our box is changed, the browser has to consider that any of the elements may have changed. Browsers are in general pretty good at dealing with this, as itā€™s a common thing to happen. That said, as the developer, you will know if each of the components is independent, and that a change to one doesnā€™t affect the others, so it would be nice if you could let the browser know this via your CSS. This is what containment and the CSS contain property gives you.

How Does Containment Help?

An HTML document is a tree structure which you can see when inspecting any element with DevTools. In my example above, I identify one item that I want to change by using JavaScript, and then make some changes to the internals. (This means that Iā€™m only changing things inside the subtree for that list item.)

DevTools with the list item of the featured item expanded to see the elements inside
Inspecting a list item in DevTools

Applying the contain property to an element tells the browser that changes are scoped to the subtree of that element, so that the browser can do any possible optimizations — safe in the knowledge that nothing else outside of that element will change. Exactly what a particular browser might do is down to the engine. The CSS property simply gives you — as the developer and expert on this layout — the chance to let it know.

In many cases, you will be safe to go right ahead and start using the contain property, however, the different values come with some potential side effects which are worth understanding before adding the property to elements in your site.

Using Containment

The contain property can set three different types of containment:

  • layout
  • paint
  • size

Note: There is a style value in the Level 2 Specification. It was removed from Level 1, so does not appear in the Recommendation, and is not implemented in Firefox.


Layout containment brings the biggest benefits. To turn on layout containment, use the following snippet:

.item {
  contain: layout;

With layout containment enabled, the browser knows that nothing outside the element can affect the internal layout, and nothing from inside the element can change anything about the layout of things outside it. This means that it can make any possible optimizations for this scenario.

A few additional things happen when layout containment is enabled. These are all things which ensure that this box and contents are independent of the rest of the tree.

The box establishes an independent formatting context. This ensures that the content of the box stays in the box — in particular floats will be contained and margins will not collapse through the box. This is the same behavior that we switch on when we use display: flow-root as in explained in my article ā€œUnderstanding CSS Layout And The Block Formatting Contextā€. If a float could poke out of your box, causing following text to flow around the float, that would be a situation where the element was changing the layout of things outside it, making it a poor candidate for containment.

The containing box acts as the containing block for any absolutely or fixed position descendants. This means it will act as if you had used position: relative on the box you have applied contain: layout.

The box also creates a stacking context. Therefore z-index will work on this element, itā€™s children will be stacked based on this new context.

If we look at the example, this time with contain: layout, you can see that when the floated element is introduced it no longer pokes out the bottom of the box. This is our new Block Formatting Context in action, containing the float.

A listing of items, a floated element is contained inside the bounds of the parent box
Using contain: layout the float is contained (See the layout containment example on CodePen)


To turn on paint containment, use the following:

.item {
  contain: paint;

With paint containment enabled, the same side effects as seen with layout containment occur: The containing box becoming an independent formatting context, a containing block for positioned elements, and establishing a stacking context.

What paint containment does is indicate to the browser that elements inside the containing block will not be visible outside of the bounds of that box. The content will essentially be clipped to the box.

We can see this happen with a simple example. Even if we give our card a height, the floated item still pokes out the bottom of the box, due to the fact that the float is taken out of flow.

A floated box poking out the bottom of a containing box
The float is not contained by the list item

With paint containment turned on the floated item is now clipped to the size of the box. Nothing can be painted outside of the bounds of the element with contain: paint applied.

A box with a floated box inside which has been cut off where it escapes the box
The content of the box is clipped to the height of the box (See the paint example on CodePen)


Size containment is the value that is most likely to cause you a problem if you arenā€™t fully aware of how it works. To apply size containment, use:

.item {
  contain: size;

If you use size containment then you are telling the browser that you know the size of the box and it is not going to change. This does mean that if you have a box which is auto-sized in the block dimension, it will be treated as if the content has no size, therefore the box will collapse down as if it had no contents.

In the example below, I have not given the li a height; they also have contain: size applied. You can see that all of the items have collapsed as if they had no content at all, making for a very peculiar looking listing!

A listing of items with a button to change some of the content in the first item
(See the size example on CodePen)

If you give the boxes a height then the height will be respected when contain: size is used. Alone, size containment will not create a new formatting context and therefore does not contain floats and margins as layout and paint containment will do. Itā€™s less likely that you would use it alone; instead, it is most likely you would apply it along with other values of contain to be able to get the most possible containment.

Shorthand Values

In most cases, you can use one of two shorthand values to get the best out of containment. To turn on layout and paint containment, use contain: content;, and to turn on all possible containment (keeping in mind that items which do not have a size will then collapse), use contain: strict.

The Specification says:

ā€œcontain: content is reasonably "safe" to apply widely; its effects are fairly minor in practice, and most content wonā€™t run afoul of its restrictions. However, because it doesnā€™t apply size containment, the element can still respond to the size of its contents, which can cause layout-invalidation to percolate further up the tree than desired. Use contain: strict when possible, to gain as much containment as you can.ā€

Therefore, if you do not know the size of the items in advance, and understand the fact that floats and margins will be contained, use contain: content. If you do know the size of items in addition to being happy about the other side effects of containment, use contain: strict. The rest is down to the browser, you have done your bit by explaining how your layout works.

Can I Use Containment Now?

The CSS Containment specification is now a W3C Recommendation which is what we sometimes refer to as a web standard. In order for the spec to get to this stage, there needed to be two implementations of the feature which we can see in both Firefox and Chrome:

Screenshot of the browser support information on Containment on Can I Use
Browser support for containment (Source: Can I Use)

As this property is transparent to the user, it is completely safe to add to any site even if you have lots of visitors in browsers that do not support it. If the browser doesnā€™t support containment then the visitor gets the experience they usually get, those in supporting browsers get the enhanced performance.

I would suggest that this is a great thing to add to any components you create in a component or pattern library, if you are working in this way it is likely each component is designed to be an independent thing that does not affect other elements on the page, making contain: content a useful addition.

Therefore, if you have a page which is adding content to the DOM after load, I would recommend giving it a try — if you get any interesting results let me know in the comments!

The following resources will give you some more detail about the implementation of containment and potential performance benefits:

Smashing Editorial (il)

Building WordPress Websites With Zurb Foundation or Bootstrap: Comparisons and Starter Themes

WordPress is super versatile. You know that. I know that. But sometimes this can be an overwhelming prospect. How on earth will you get your site up and running? What platform will you use? Zurb Foundation and Bootstrap are two options but which is best?

Here, we offer up some side-by-side comparisons as well as suggestions for starter themes to use for both Zurb Foundation and Bootstrap. With all the info on the table, you can plan your siteā€™s launch ASAP.

Your Web Designer Toolbox
Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Assets

Comparison articles

Take a look at these comparison articles to get a sense of how these two platforms stack up.

Should You Use Bootstrap or Foundation?

foundation or bootstrap - treehouse

Bootstrap vs Foundation Compared: Who Has an Upper Hand?

Foundation or Bootstrap - Template Toaster

Foundation 6 vs Bootstrap 4

Foundation or Bootstrap - Dash

Bootstrap vs Foundation: Which One is Better?

Foundation or Bootstrap - Azmind

Foundation WP Starter Themes

If youā€™re thinking of getting started with Foundation, you should definitely consider using a WordPress starter theme. The following are all solid options:


Foundation or Bootstrap - JointsWP

JointsWP is a nice starter theme for Foundation thatā€™s blank and ready to be molded into whatever youā€™d like it to be.

Rich Modern Foundation 6 WordPress Theme

Foundation or Bootstrap - Zurb Rich Modern

Rich Modern is another Foundation starter theme that offers a basic template on which to build your WordPress website.


Foundation or Bootstrap - TotalPress

TotalPress is another starter theme thatā€™s actually based on the Underscores theme. With it, you can create any type of layout you want.


Foundation or Bootstrap - WP-Forge

WP-Forge is a basic starter theme for Foundation but itā€™s so flexible you can use it to build any kind of site you want, with the latest features, too.


Foundation or Bootstrap - Reverie

Lastly, thereā€™s Reverie, a stylish starter theme for Foundation thatā€™s mobile friendly and includes custom menus, captions, and pagination.

Bootstrap WP Starter Themes

If Bootstrap is more what you prefer, then we have some Bootstrap starter themes for you as well. These are all well reviewed and nice to look at, too:


Foundation or Bootstrap - Understrap

UnderStrap is a Bootstrap starter theme thatā€™s responsive and includes theme options for heavy customization.


Foundation or Bootstrap - Sage

Sage is a WordPress starter theme based on Bootstrap 4 that makes it easy to write stylesheets and Sass for your site without complicated backed customization.

Bootstrap WordPress Starter Theme

Foundation or Bootstrap - Bootstrap Starter

The Bootstrap WordPress Starter Theme is actually a tutorial for creating a Bootstrap theme from scratch.


Foundation or Bootstrap - Silencio

Lastly, Silencio is described as a ā€œcontent-firstā€ starter theme for WordPress. A solid choice if you want to create an online publication or blog.

So Which is It? Foundation or Bootstrap?

Whether you choose Foundation or Bootstrap will ultimately be up to you and the needs of your website. But hopefully this collection of comparison articles will help you first figure out which platform you want to you and second, which starter theme you want to use as the base of your site.

Whichever you choose, itā€™s certain to be great!

7 Best WordPress Portfolio Plugins for Designers & Photographers

Are you a designer or photographer looking for the easiest way to build a portfolio website in WordPress?

There are plenty of WordPress portfolio plugins that allow you to easily build beautiful portfolio websites.

However, finding the perfect portfolio plugin can be difficult for beginners. You will need to find a plugin that makes your work stand out, loads fast, and looks good on mobile devices.

In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best WordPress portfolio plugins for designers and photographers.

Top WordPress portfolio plugins

Choosing Between WordPress Portfolio Themes vs WordPress Portfolio Plugins

Many WordPress portfolio themes come with built-in functionality to create a portfolio website.

This makes many beginners wonder why would anyone want to choose a plugin when themes can do the job?

Themes in WordPress are only supposed to handle the visual appearance of your website. This includes colors, styles, layouts, and presentation of your content.

Plugins on the other hand are the proper way to add functionality to your WordPress site such as slider, contact form, and more.

Adding a portfolio comes under functionality, which is why we recommend using a plugin.

Using a theme for functionality ties your website with that theme. If you change the theme, then you will lose your portfolio data.

On the other hand, if you decide to use a portfolio plugin, then you are free to use it with any theme you want.

Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the top WordPress portfolio plugins.

1. WP Portfolio

WP Portfolio

WP Portfolio is the best WordPress portfolio plugin for photographers, freelancers, developers, and agencies. It allows you to instantly create portfolio websites from 40+ professionally designed portfolio templates.

It is made by the creators of Astra Theme, which is one of the best WordPress themes of all times. WP Portfolio brings the same ease of use to portfolios.

It comes with multiple style choices, layouts, supports all types of media, and can be easily customized without writing any code or CSS.

Most importantly, all portfolio layouts look equally great on mobile devices and work as elegantly as they do on laptops.

2. Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery is a premium WordPress gallery plugin. It allows you to create beautiful image galleries and albums. Already used by thousands, Envira Gallery is the best WordPress plugin for photographers and designers.

Creating a portfolio with Envira Gallery is quite easy. Simply create galleries containing your portfolio items with optional description and details. You can also group galleries into Albums or make filterable portfolio.

The plugin also makes it easy to add your portfolio anywhere on your WordPress site with the click of a button.

For detailed instructions, take a look at our guide on how to add a portfolio to your WordPress site.

3. NextGEN Gallery


NextGEN Gallery is a popular WordPress plugin for creating image galleries, albums, and photography portfolios. Loved by beginners and expert photographers alike, NextGen comes with an intuitive user interface to create galleries.

It includes multiple styles and layout choices with support for albums, filterable portfolio, columns, and more. You can also create portfolio carousel/slider, compact portfolio albums, and list or timeline style layouts.

4. Visual Portfolio

Visual portfolio

Visual Portfolio is an elegant WordPress portfolio plugin that allows you to create beautiful portfolio galleries.

It comes with multiple layout styles including masonry, grid, justified, tiles, and carousel. The plugin also includes a Gutenberg block which makes it even easier to add a portfolio anywhere you like.

Your users can also sort portfolio items using filters, which offers a beautiful browsing experience.

5. GridKit Portfolio Gallery

GridKit portfolio gallery

GridKit Portfolio Gallery is a simple WordPress photo gallery and portfolio plugin. It allows you to manage portfolio items in projects and make them sortable. It comes with support for new WordPress block editor with shortcode support for older editor.

The base plugin is very with limited layout styles and features. You’ll need the premium version to get access more styles and features.

6. Meow Gallery

Meow Gallery

Meow Gallery is a free WordPress gallery plugin with full Gutenberg block editor support. It allows you to organize your portfolio items in beautiful image galleries.

It ships with support for multiple layouts including masonry, grid, tile, and justified. You can select the number of columns you want to display. It also comes with several add-on plugins that can be used for additional functionality like lightbox, audio commentary, external links, and more.

7. Genesis Portfolio Pro

Genesis portfolio pro

If you are using a StudioPress theme or any theme made for the Genesis theme framework, then you would want to try Genesis Portfolio Pro plugin.

It is made specifically for Genesis framework and provides a custom post type to create your portfolio items. It also comes with templates to display the featured image you set as the portfolio item in a grid layout.

It is a simple plugin and does not include many features of several other portfolio plugins. However, if you are looking for something minimalist, then it would get the job done nicely.

That’s all we hope this article helped you find the best WordPress portfolio plugins for designers and photographers. You may also want to see our list of 41 best free photography themes for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Best WordPress Portfolio Plugins for Designers & Photographers appeared first on WPBeginner.