Ways to get a 3D effect of a product image

You are visualizing our new article on the Ghost Mannequin Services. You might know mannequin is employed to create 3D effects of various apparel products like the cardigan, T-shirt, jeans, Polo shirt, sweater, jacket and swimming costume. Many e-commerce sellers even use this for visualizing their e-commerce correctly instead of the human model. But if […]

The post Ways to get a 3D effect of a product image appeared first on designrfix.com.

12+ Best Anti-Spam Plugins for WordPress 2023

12 Best Anti-Spam Plugins for WordPress 2019Combating WordPress comment spam is an ongoing process and can be done with (a) the help of plugins or (b) with a little bit of tweaking the discussion settings in WordPress. In this tutorial, we focus on both methods. The 2 factors you should consider while deciding your next anti-spam plugin should be: Amount of traffic […]

The post 12+ Best Anti-Spam Plugins for WordPress 2023 appeared first on WPExplorer.

10 Smartest Local Automotive SEO Strategies for Dealers

Car dealerships can no longer rely on traditional advertising methods to gain foot traffic. You can’t rely on mailers and television ads to bring in business anymore. Instead, the focus must be on automotive SEO and digital marketing. The trouble is that many dealerships don’t know how to implement automotive SEO strategies, and might even […]

The post 10 Smartest Local Automotive SEO Strategies for Dealers appeared first on designrfix.com.

Best WooCommerce Shipping Plugins for Your Online Store

Best WooCommerce Shipping Plugins for Your Online StoreShipping is one aspect of an online store that requires a careful strategy. Since an erratic shipping strategy can easily upset your customers, you need to pay extra attention to get it right all the time. And that’s where a shipping plugin can help. Each store owner will have different considerations depending on the interests […]

The post Best WooCommerce Shipping Plugins for Your Online Store appeared first on WPExplorer.

DevOps and SRE, Chapter 1: When Innovation Becomes Mainstream


Cloud-native applications are a type of complex system that depends on the continuous effort of software professionals that combines the best of their expertise to keep them running. In other words, their reliability isn't self-sustaining, but is a result of the interactions of all the different actors engaged in their design, build, and operation.

Over the years the collection of those interactions has been evolving together with the systems they were designed to maintain, which have been also becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex. The IT service management model, once designed to maintain control and stability, is now fading and giving place to a model designed to improve velocity while maintaining stability. Although the combination of those things might seem contradictory at first, this series of articles tries to reveal the reasons why the collection of practices that today we know as DevOps and SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) are becoming the norm for modern systems.

Deep Linking in React Native with React Navigation

In this article, we are going to build a simple deep linking mechanism in React Native, which takes a user to a specific screen of a sample app, after clicking on a deep link outside the app (e.g. Safari). The output will look like this:

Example output

Create a React Native App

To get started, please create a new React Native project by executing the following command:

Streaming ETL With Apache Flink

Streaming data computation is becoming more and more common with the growing Big Data landscape. Many enterprises are also adopting or moving towards streaming for message passing instead of relying solely on REST APIs. 

Apache Flink has emerged as a popular framework for streaming data computation in a very short amount of time. It has many advantages in comparison to Apache Spark (e.g. lightweight, rich APIs, developer-friendly, high throughput, an active and vibrant community).

Design APIs: The Evolution of Design Systems

A clever idea from Matthew Ström:

[...] design APIs don’t seem like a stretch of the imagination. An API-driven approach is the natural extension of the work currently being done on design systems, including tokens and standardization projects.

If you buy into the idea of design tokens, that expresses itself as a chunk of JSON with things like colors and spacing values. No reason an API couldn't deliver that, potentially empowering a build process that pulls the most recent decisions from a central location.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

The post Design APIs: The Evolution of Design Systems appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Bluehost Launches Premium WordPress Theme Marketplace to Customers

Screenshot of the Bluehost marketplace from the customer dashboard.
Screenshot of the Bluehost Marketplace from the customer dashboard.

In November, web hosting provider Bluehost launched a WordPress plugin and theme marketplace. The company integrated with MOJO Marketplace to provide access to WordPress products via its customer dashboard. Currently, the marketplace is open to third-party theme developers. Plugin authors will have to wait, but they will eventually be able to sell their plugins through the Bluehost Marketplace.

By integrating with MOJO Marketplace, much of the existing infrastructure and products are already in place. Bluehost can simply offer the products to its customers through a custom-built interface and provide MOJO sellers with another avenue for distribution.

The idea behind the marketplace is for Bluehost’s customers to be able to build their websites without ever leaving their control panel. “Ultimately, we are trying to save customers time and energy from having to hunt for these things themselves and instead work within the dashboard to find the themes and plugins that are best fit for their site,” said Suhaib Zaheer, general manager for Bluehost.

“Our native marketplace also provides our customers with the ability to automatically install the themes and plugins they have purchased, reducing the amount of time and number of steps required to get their site appearance and functionality up and running,” he said.

The Bluehost Marketplace currently has over 900 themes and 18 WooCommerce plugins for customers to choose from. The themes are all viewable via the WordPress themes page on the MOJO website. All themes uploaded by sellers go through a manual review process by the Bluehost Marketplace team before approval. This includes basic items like design quality, functionality, installation, and documentation.

There is also a “Bluehost Certified” filter available to users who want to use themes that have been further tested for quality control. “We conduct additional reviews to certify themes for our Bluehost Certified category on a quarterly basis,” said Zaheer .

There appear to be 85 themes that are Bluehost Certified based on a screenshot acquired of the marketplace. However, that number is not verified. The MOJO Marketplace page does not appear to have a filter to view these, but it is available to users of Bluehost’s hosting service.

Selling on the Bluehost Marketplace

Theme developers who want to sell themes via Bluehost can apply through MOJO Marketplace. Authors should note that they would like to be Bluehost Certified.

Theme sellers who want to get certification must meet the Bluehost Certified guidelines. Some are fairly normal and would be expected in today’s market such as responsiveness, browser compatibility, fast load times, and active support from the author.

Others are a bit of a head-scratcher.

Certification requires that themes support page builders. It’s unclear which page builders need to be supported and what level of support is necessary. Ideally, this would be the other way around. Page builders should be built in such a way that they do not need theme-specific support.

Demo content is required. It is not clear if the requirements simply mean to provide an installable XML file with demo content or for the theme to output demo content in the absence of user content. Based on the description, it seems like the latter. If so, I would not want any part of that as a potential theme author. I could see requiring the use of the WordPress starter content feature in this case but nothing more.

The requirements also list “plugins supported” with no additional description. Good luck to theme authors figuring out exactly what that means.

Bluehost needs to make its Bluehost Certified page more detailed to be attractive to potential theme authors. There are far too many unanswered questions.

Commission rates are the same rates as other themes on the MOJO Marketplace. Themes sold exclusively through the marketplace earn between 50% and 70% based on the number of sales. Non-exclusive theme commissions are at a flat rate of 50%. Both exclusive and non-exclusive authors can distribute their themes through the Bluehost Marketplace.

“Theme sellers are welcome to set the price of their item,” said Zaheer. “However, we recommend they stay within $49-$69 range. If the review team does not feel the price is uniform with other themes in the same category, they will request a price change in order to be sold on the Marketplace.”

The pricing recommendation seems to be a bit on the low end, but it is consistent with the theme industry’s race to the bottom. Quality theme work should be at least double.

Fortunately for theme authors, pricing is based on yearly renewals. They are required to offer technical assistance within 24-48 hours while a user’s yearly support license is up to date.

Read and write files in C++. Not allowing user input

Hi. I was trying to figure out how to read and write files in C++. To understand it better I wrote this code on "codepile.com": https://www.codepile.net/pile/WDPkzrep. What it does is it allows a user to create their own text file then write information in it. Lastly, the contents of the file will be read.

The problem is that it will allow a user create a text file but will not allow them to type anything into the file. Also, because the program stops after the line that says "please enter text:" (keep in mind that the program will not allow user to type anything at this point), I does not run the last part of the code which is to read what was in the file.

How would I fix this? Should I break the program up into functions and call the functions? Thank you.

Which Pricing Model Do You Prefer: One-Time or Recurring?

For a long time, premium WordPress plugins and themes were sold as a one-time payment. So for example, if you wanted to buy a new WordPress theme, you would make a single purchase and own the theme indefinitely, with no future payments due. Then somewhere along the way, a recurring pricing model became popular. These days, it is very common for themes and plugins to be sold via recurring payment scheme. So for example, if you want to use some awesome pro plugin or theme, you pay an annual or in some cases monthly fee.

Different Pricing Models

For WordPress products, like plugins and themes, there are myriad pricing models available:

  • Free — no purchase required, use product indefinitely
  • Freemium — free for basic features, pay to unlock more
  • Trial-Based — free to use for limited time, then time to pay
  • One-time Payment — pay once and own/use the product indefinitely
  • Recurring Payment — pay every year, month, or other interval

You can find examples of each of these pricing models by simply shopping around for plugins and themes. The same thing is true for software and digital products outside of the WordPress marketplace. For example, a few years ago Adobe switched from one-time payment to a subscription-based plan, where you pay a monthly or yearly fee to use Photoshop, Illustrator, et al.

There also is a more subtle, sort of middle-of-the-road pricing model: one-time payments for a specific version of the software. For example, if you purchase apps like MAMP Pro, 1Password, Carbon Copy Cloner (a few examples that come readily to mind), the initial purchase is one-time, non-recurring. But you only get updates for one or two major versions. So if you purchased MAMP Pro version 4.0, you get free updates for all version-4 releases, like 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, etc. But then you have to pay again for version 5.0 and beyond.

Regardless of which pricing model you're talking about, ultimately it comes down to either paying only once or paying multiple times.

So my question for you: what is the BEST pricing model for WordPress plugins and themes?

As some of you may know, I strongly prefer to own the plugins that are used on my sites. I do not like the idea of having to pay more every year. It's probably because I am such an "old school" developer who is accustomed to one-time, flat-fee payments for scripts, plugins, and themes. In fact, I sell my own premium WordPress plugins using the one-time (non-recurring) pricing model.

Most if not all of my direct competitors sell their plugins using the recurring payments model. So users will have to pay more every year just to continue receiving updates and so forth. In my mind, this benefits the seller more than the customer. Whereas one-time purchases tend to benefit the customer more than the seller. But this is my own biased opinion, so I want to ask..

What do YOU think?

I think the most popular/no-brainer answer is that "there is no "best" pricing model" that applies to all products. Rather it depends on the nature of the product, scope of functionality, and other variables. Everything has to be factored in: development, support, marketing, the whole nine yards.

What do YOU think? Do you like paying more every year or month for plugins and scripts? Should plugins be considered more of a SaaS type deal? Is there a happy middle ground? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Top REST API Best Practices

Many giants like Facebook, Google, GitHub, Netflix, Amazon, and Twitter have their own REST(ful) APIs that you can access to get or even write data.

By why all the need for REST?

Authenticate Your Angular App With JWTs

No web application should ever be made without a user registration and authentication feature. Authentication gives permission for a user to access the proper resources or services. The fundamental property of HTTP is a stateless protocol that contradicts authentication, which works to keep the state of the user. 

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) help get around the contradiction between HTTP and authentication. The backend of the Angular app authenticates the JWT, validates the user, and grants them access. To make this happen, the app talks to the backend to generate a token, which then is communicated to the Authorization header to verify the token. You can also address this issue with session-based authentication and cookies. This means that the backend will create a “session cookie,” which provides a process for the server to confirm the user’s identity.