Building WordPress Websites With Zurb Foundation or Bootstrap: Comparisons and Starter Themes

WordPress is super versatile. You know that. I know that. But sometimes this can be an overwhelming prospect. How on earth will you get your site up and running? What platform will you use? Zurb Foundation and Bootstrap are two options but which is best?

Here, we offer up some side-by-side comparisons as well as suggestions for starter themes to use for both Zurb Foundation and Bootstrap. With all the info on the table, you can plan your site’s launch ASAP.

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Comparison articles

Take a look at these comparison articles to get a sense of how these two platforms stack up.

Should You Use Bootstrap or Foundation?

foundation or bootstrap - treehouse

Bootstrap vs Foundation Compared: Who Has an Upper Hand?

Foundation or Bootstrap - Template Toaster

Foundation 6 vs Bootstrap 4

Foundation or Bootstrap - Dash

Bootstrap vs Foundation: Which One is Better?

Foundation or Bootstrap - Azmind

Foundation WP Starter Themes

If you’re thinking of getting started with Foundation, you should definitely consider using a WordPress starter theme. The following are all solid options:


Foundation or Bootstrap - JointsWP

JointsWP is a nice starter theme for Foundation that’s blank and ready to be molded into whatever you’d like it to be.

Rich Modern Foundation 6 WordPress Theme

Foundation or Bootstrap - Zurb Rich Modern

Rich Modern is another Foundation starter theme that offers a basic template on which to build your WordPress website.


Foundation or Bootstrap - TotalPress

TotalPress is another starter theme that’s actually based on the Underscores theme. With it, you can create any type of layout you want.


Foundation or Bootstrap - WP-Forge

WP-Forge is a basic starter theme for Foundation but it’s so flexible you can use it to build any kind of site you want, with the latest features, too.


Foundation or Bootstrap - Reverie

Lastly, there’s Reverie, a stylish starter theme for Foundation that’s mobile friendly and includes custom menus, captions, and pagination.

Bootstrap WP Starter Themes

If Bootstrap is more what you prefer, then we have some Bootstrap starter themes for you as well. These are all well reviewed and nice to look at, too:


Foundation or Bootstrap - Understrap

UnderStrap is a Bootstrap starter theme that’s responsive and includes theme options for heavy customization.


Foundation or Bootstrap - Sage

Sage is a WordPress starter theme based on Bootstrap 4 that makes it easy to write stylesheets and Sass for your site without complicated backed customization.

Bootstrap WordPress Starter Theme

Foundation or Bootstrap - Bootstrap Starter

The Bootstrap WordPress Starter Theme is actually a tutorial for creating a Bootstrap theme from scratch.


Foundation or Bootstrap - Silencio

Lastly, Silencio is described as a “content-first” starter theme for WordPress. A solid choice if you want to create an online publication or blog.

So Which is It? Foundation or Bootstrap?

Whether you choose Foundation or Bootstrap will ultimately be up to you and the needs of your website. But hopefully this collection of comparison articles will help you first figure out which platform you want to you and second, which starter theme you want to use as the base of your site.

Whichever you choose, it’s certain to be great!