How to Scale the Decision-Making Process

The more decision-makers a company has trained, the less likely employees will be left feeling like this.

When a lot of organizations are transitioning from the way they used to work to a more cross-functional, agile squad way of work, they usually look for scaling frameworks to help them do it. They're usually worried about how to scale the practices, but the thing that really gets in the way is scaling the decision making and approvals. This is especially true when we have centralized, rather than distributed functions.

You need to start with a conversation. When we kick teams off, there are a lot of groups that feel they need to have their stamp of approval on things before they go out the door. Some of these are due to a need for regulatory compliance, which involves significant risks and possible audits. We need to figure out how to do these efficiently and systematically.

.NET 5 Is the Future of .NET: What Every .Net Developer Must Know

Microsoft announced the new .NET 5 (future of .NET) at the Build 2019 conference. .NET 5 will be the single unified platform for building applications that runs on all platforms(Windows, Linux) and devices (IoT, Mobile).

If you are .NET developer currently supporting enterprise applications developed in .NET framework, you need to know how the .NET 5 is going to affect your current enterprise application in the long run. .Net 5 is based on .Net Standard which means not every .Net framework features will be available in .Net 5. Also, there are some technology stacks like web forms, WCF and WWF is not porting into .Net 5. We will look into the details of what is not covered in .Net 5 and what are the alternatives.

Drilling Into Big Data: A Gold Mine of Information

The volume of data generated every day is a mystery as it is increasing continually at a rapid rate. Although data is everywhere, the intelligence that we can glean from it matters more. These large volumes of data are what we call "Big Data." Organizations generate and gather huge volumes of data believing that this data might help them in advancing their products and improving their services. For example, a shop may have its customer information, stock details, purchase history, and website visits.

Often times, organizations store this data for regular business activities but fail to use it for further Analytics and Business Relationships. The data which is unanalyzed and left unused is what we call "Dark Data."

Best Practices for QA Testing in the DevOps Age

Going live with bugs in the code is a risky roll of the dice as it could lead to unplanned outages, and software downtime leads to loss of revenue and of reputation. Analysts at Gartner Research have estimated that downtime can cost companies as much as $140,000 to $540,000 per hour. Google, for example, saw global outages of its Gmail and Drive products in March, affecting customers throughout Australia, U.S., Europe, and Asia. Facebook and Instagram also suffered worldwide outages in March, leaving users unable to access popular apps for several hours. Customers expect on-demand access and service; outages weigh heavily on a brand’s reputation as well as its finances. 

Unfortunately, with migration from legacy systems to microenvironments in the cloud, outages and downtime pose a growing and serious problem. Gone is the time when teams could beta test with customers over time to flag real-time bugs. With current quality testing tools, developers often don’t know how a new software version will perform in production or if it even will work in production. The Cloudbleed bug is an example of this problem. In February 2017, a simple coding error in a software upgrade from security vendor Cloudflare led to a serious vulnerability discovered by a Google researcher several months later. Although Cloudflare still worked, the bug meant that it was leaking sensitive data. 

OK, Java Is Still Free, But Which Version Do I Use and Recommend to My Clients?

There remains significant confusion over the licensing and distribution of Java. I know this because I have contributed to this confusion. There is a debate in my college department over which version to use and how updates will be handled. Donald Smith, Sr. Director of Product Management at Oracle in Ottawa, has been kind enough to clear up these issues, probably for the 100th time. The purpose of this brief article is to summarize what I have learned. Before I begin, you should first read the following posts:

Big Data and Open-Source Protection

Great presentation by Mark Coletta, Senior Product Manager, NetBackup, Veritas at Percona Live. Mark shared his best practices to protect today’s big data and open-source workloads.

Why is this important? Big data is driving significant open-source database adoption. In conjunction with digital transformation initiatives, enterprises are pursuing hybrid multi-cloud infrastructure to avoid vendor lock-in, maintain agility, and reduce cost.

How Vulnerable Is the Grid Against Cyber Attacks?

In March this year, a US power company fell victim to a "cyber event" that interfered with operations. The unnamed company provides power and energy to customers across Los Angeles, California; Salt Lake County, Utah; and Converse County, Wyoming. Fortunately, according to the Department of Energy (DOE), the event "did not impact generation, the reliability of the grid or cause any customer outages." However, the denial-of-service attack was significant enough for the utility to file an electric disturbance report with DOE — the same forms reserved for major interruptions like storms, physical attacks or fuel shortages. It's unclear whether this constituted an actual attack, but it served as a reminder of the vulnerabilities of the grid. 

What Is the Precedence for These Kinds of Attacks?

While utility grid attacks rarely succeed their potential to cause widespread chaos across homes, businesses and services are significant. The United States and Israel employed the first grid attack, Stuxnet, to destroy centrifuges in an Iranian nuclear enrichment facility in 2009.

How to Find Bugs With git bisect

In this post, I’m going to talk about git bisect and how it helps finding buggy commits or those that don’t meet some kind of requirement. By using it, git will suggest commits where a breaking change might be introduced. Let’s see how we can use it.

Let’s say we have a Go project in a git repo with this history:

Weekly Platform News: Favicon Guidelines, Accessibility Testing, Web Almanac

Šime posts regular content for web developers on

Google posts guidelines for defining favicons

Jamie Leach: Google Search now displays favicons in search results on mobile. Your favicon should be a multiple of 48×48 (Google will re-scale it to 16×16 for use in search results). If a website doesn’t have a favicon or Google deems the favicon inappropriate, a generic globe icon will be displayed instead.

Your favicon should be a visual representation of your website’s brand, in order to help users quickly identify your site when they scan through search results.

Top websites are surprisingly inconsistent in the way they declare icons (via <link> elements in the page’s head). Twitter and Pinterest, two relatively modern progressive web apps, provide icons in two sizes.

<!-- example -->
<link rel="icon" href="/icon-32x32.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/icon-192x192.png">

The Paciello Group releases ARC Toolkit

The Paciello Group: ARC Toolkit, our professional-level accessibility testing tool, is now available as a Chrome DevTools extension. This tool detects issues related to the WCAG 2.1 guidelines. You can run the test on the entire page or just the node selected in the DevTools Elements panel.

Remember, automated accessibility tools are only able to find some accessibility issues, and manual testing is necessary to ensure full accessibility. Lighthouse (via the Audits panel) suggests manual checks after performing an accessibility audit.

Other news

  • Jeff Jaffe: W3C and WHATWG have reached an agreement to collaborate on the development of HTML. "W3C shall encourage the community ... to contribute directly to the WHATWG HTML and DOM repositories; raising issues, proposing solutions, commenting on proposed solutions, and indicating support or otherwise for proposals."
  • Paul Calvano: "There is a significant gap in the first- vs. third-party resource age of CSS and web fonts. 95% of first-party fonts are older than one week compared to 50% of third-party fonts ... This makes a strong case for self-hosting web fonts!"
  • Rachel Andrew: The CSS subgrid value is a relatively straightforward addition to grid layout. For example, if you have nested grids, and you apply grid-template-rows: subgrid to the child grid, then this grid will use the row tracks of the parent grid instead of creating its own row tracks. That’s all there is to it. (This feature is currently only supported in Firefox Nightly.)
  • GitHub Blog: GitHub can now generate automated security fixes for your dependencies with known security vulnerabilities. On GitHub’s website, check your repository’s Security tab for security alerts. If you open an alert and press the "Create automated security fix" button, GitHub will create an automated pull request that fixes the security vulnerability.
  • Rick Viscomi: HTTP Archive plans to release the first annual Web Almanac in November, a report of the state of the web with interesting insights written by different experts. About 50 volunteers from the web community are currently working on it, and they are looking for more contributors.

The post Weekly Platform News: Favicon Guidelines, Accessibility Testing, Web Almanac appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Reducing motion with the picture element

Here’s a bonafide CSS/HTML trick from Brad Frost and Dave Rupert where they use the <picture> element to switch out a GIF file with an image if the user has reduced motion enabled. This is how Brad goes about implementing that:

  <!-- This image will be loaded if the media query is true  -->
  <source srcset="no-motion.jpg" media="(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)"></source>

  <!--  Otherwise, load this gif -->
  <img srcset="animated.gif" alt="brick wall"/>

How nifty is this? It makes me wonder if there are other ways this image-switching technique can be used besides accessibility and responsive images...

Also, it’s worth noting that Eric Bailey wrote about the reduced motion media query a while back where he digs into its history and various approaches to use it.

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The post Reducing motion with the picture element appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

[VIDEO] Introduction To Creative Reframing

Creative reframing is an excellent facilitation and professional coaching technique that allows exploring problems from various, sometimes unusual and unexpected angles.

In the next video, I will talk about some strategies that an agile coach can use with creative reframing.

12 Backend Development Tools by Alibaba

From manual coding to automation and from repeated work to innovation, developer tools have been evolving along with technologies. Alibaba Group and Alibaba Cloud have made its technologies available to public through open source release and cloud-based implementation. These technologies have been accumulated through years of development in various business scenarios. This article introduces some Alibaba developer tools in the hopes that they can help make your development process more efficient and graceful.

Given the vast diversity of technological branches that developers may engage in, this article introduces some tools that may be helpful for backend developers.