New Azure ”SQL Server Settings” Blade in the Azure Portal

I just noticed today that there is a new blade in the Azure portal when creating a new SQL Server virtual machine. I've been looking for an announcement regarding this new Azure portal experience, but I haven't found one yet. This feature wasn't available when I took the screenshots for my last post on creating a SQL Server 2008 R2 FCI in Azure on April 19th, so it must be relatively new.

New Azure "SQL Server Settings" blade on the Azure portal
New Azure "SQL Server Settings" blade on the Azure portal

Most of the settings are pretty self-explanatory. Under Security and Networking, you can specify the port you want SQL to listen on. It also appears as if the Azure Security Group will be updated to allow different levels of access to the SQL instance: Local, Private, or Public. Authentication options are also exposed in this new SQL Server settings blade.