Major Mobile App Development Trends to Watch in 2019.

Technology is evolving every single day, and both the Software and hardware are striking towards each other. Due to the massive competition, it is essential to come up with extended mobility and future rich apps for expanding and promoting businesses to stay long in this competitive business market. Some of the emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence(AI), Virtual reality(VR), Augmented reality(AR), Data Visualization are having huge demand comes in the picture.

The Mobile App trends in addition to the Cloud Computing technologies are ever-changing with more extensive opportunities, with breakthrough applications and technological developments coming fast and thick. The future of these technologies is going to play a crucial role, not only the business world but also in our day-to-day life.

In 1994, the launch of the first mobile app. At that moment, nobody has predicted that it will be an integral part of our life. According to the Statista reports, currently, we have 2.1billion mobile users and is expected to cross 5 billion marks by the end of this year. By 2020, it could be USD 189 billion (approximately).


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When we compare mobile usage for the past 5-10 years, people are spending more time on smartphones with fast internet access. Many Companies are conducting surveys to understand why people are using mobiles and how much time they are spending on it. A recent study revealed that for every 12 minutes any user would check their mobile phones and on an average, an American adult spends 2.5 hours a day on smartphones.

According to a recent report by ComScore Future Digital, nearly 90% of people are spending their time on Mobiles rather Websites. As a result, mobiles and smartphones are making their ecosystem separate from computers and laptops and leads to mobile app development to attract their target customers. Some of the major Mobile app development trends that will dominate in 2019 are as follows:

1. Data Visualization in Mobile Apps

The data visualization is one of the main features of your next app because it improves the conversion rates and user engagement. Though in Mobile age, the data visualization should appear in simple and strong. With data visualization in mobile apps provides better results in terms of information processing, interactivity, and user engagement.

Data visualization allows the user to identify the patterns very quickly, and it drags some actionable insights. With the web 2.0 approach, users have started using rich gifs, images, audio and streaming videos for communicating excellently. As a result, mobile users consuming more information which is in visual form than never before.

2. Mainstreaming of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

From the past few years, Augmented Reality development has become a revolution in both gaming as well as entertainment sectors. It is an assumption that this year (i.e.,2019) AR founds many business opportunities in different areas including engineering, health, real estate, retail, and several others creating its mark on them. Significant social media applications like Snapchat and Instagram are using this technology for better user engagement reflecting apps surging popularity.

Similar to AR, virtual reality is another mobile application creating its mark in 2019. VR is used to create a simulation of expensive scenarios. For example, human body simulation and space simulation, etc. However, VR caught the businesses supporting them to recreate a specific product considering the target users. So with these applications, you can see the bright look of jewellery and fashion items before actual purchase. Most people these days are preferring online shopping through mobile. Therefore, businesses need to maintain an app on their own for providing this experience to their users.

According to Fast Company's recent report, the potential AR/VR companies are listed below:

Facebook: Uses VR Technology for gathering IRL friends
Google: Uses VR concept to analyse our living room
Snapchat: Provides their users with control of their augmented reality
NVIDIA: Provides the power to process VR

3. Internet of Things(IoT)

It's a known fact that most of the companies are benefiting from the IoT technology collaborating both convenience and automation at the workplace. Using this technology, we can manage TV, lights and other electronic devices make our lives much more comfortable and delighted. In the coming years, it will gain ground globally, with the technology we can except the mobile application development industry and can also integrate with the IoT app development in its array of services. Along with IT, several other areas like healthcare and education will be the biggest beneficiaries of this technology. Shortly, we have many IoT based applications entering the market.


4. Wearable Apps

Since from the last few years, the usage of wearable devices increased in the market. Therefore, the need for creating apps using IoT technology is set a considerable growth in 2019. The most used wearable devices are wristbands, smartwatches and this technology rapidly spreading out to other items like clothes, footwear and smart glasses. As per Business Intelligences statics, the market for wearable devices is going to increase to 50% between 2018 and 2020.


Image credit: Statista

5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Gartner says, AI unlike last year, will not attract more investments, but its usage will increase in mobile app development. What is common between Alexa, Siri, Cortona, Google Assistant? These are the apps make your life much easier by managing your everyday task like Writing, Reading, Switching camera, Microphone on/off, Sending messages, Searching information on Internet, setting reminders, etc. through the Artificial Intelligence.

Businesses understand the importance of virtual assistant, and they want the same kind of mobile apps like virtual assistants and chatbots. This makes the developer use the latest app trends to develop this kind of apps in the future.

6. Mobile Payments

The usage of payment gateways and mobile payments are increasing drastically. The percentage of online shoppers is growing over the years. Booking, E-commerce, Payments and other demand applications are done through mobile transactions. With the increase of mobile payments, the rise of various security issues making businesses adopt encryption techniques for performing payments and mobile wallets in their applications.



The mobile applications are becoming an essential part of human lives and become hard to imagine a day without them. The above-discussed trends are evidence of how a transaction is build up in the area of application development, revolving around distinct challenges and thus maintaining workflow efficiency.