Database Use Cases

To learn about the current and future state of databases, we spoke with and received insights from 19 IT professionals. We asked, "What are some real-world problems you, or your clients, are solving with databases?" Here’s what they shared with us:


  • Financial Services

    • We operate in the capital markets industry. Use cases capture high-frequency datasets for electronic trading, surveillance, and regulatory reporting where you have to analyze and run analytics against trillions of data points. IoT and IIot are big industries around capturing data from sensors in manufacturing plants and helping customers to optimize the manufacture of semiconductors and doing predictive analytics when a machine might suffer a failure so a company can take action before a failure occurs.
    • Quite a few organizations with large legacy on-prem datacenter rise in demand for cloud database support and all of the work required to move to the cloud. Large banks and retailers pursuing cloud initiatives. Database changes that need to float through a software pipeline. Better use of cloud platforms.
    • Santander has banking systems of hardware mainframe databases with Cobol. They’re and need to modernize applications Work with them on augmentation. New services for applications and share between the two systems to address customer requirements, more interactive capabilities without replacing existing. Another cloud agnostic, Kaminos financial banking software cloud-native, cloud-agnostic system. We work on any cloud.
  • Retail

    • Customer journey and hyper-personalization for marketing across all industries — retail, financial services, oil and gas, Telcos. Retain and acquire more customers Instead of transactional these use cases get into behavioral aspect based on transactional and social. What triggers you to refinance with us? These are Greenfield applications. Classical use cases like risk management, fraud detection, and inventory management are getting rebuild with analytics context built right in. Current engines are unable to scale beyond 90 days-worth of data. Customers want one and two-year views to make more informed decisions.
  • Other

    • One of our customers is collecting events and incidents in cloud databases, providing their customers with real-time actions /alerts/insights, and enabling companies to make better use of cloud technologies. We allowed them to save a lot of money doing so, and also opened up new use cases within their software. Another customer (in the packaging industry) is using our IoT Data Platform to increase the efficiency of their manufacturing production by providing real-time insights and alerts to the shop floor operators who can then fix issues faster and more acutely.
    • 1) Genomics England: Working with the NHS, Genomics England is sequencing 100K genomes from patients with rare diseases and their families, as well as patients with common cancer. MongoDB provides the flexibility needed to store and analyze complex data sets together as the team seeks to deliver better diagnostic approaches for patients and new discoveries for doctors and scientists.

      2) Coinbase: as crypto and the blockchain continue to carve out real-world use cases--international payments, debt settlement, verification for sensitive systems such as voting, etc. — Coinbase has scaled its operation to handle the massive amount of data that can transfer during peak windows, requiring transactional guarantees at huge scale.

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