Embracing the SaaS Unbundleverse

Previous eras of software consumption were defined by their bundles. Our current era is defined by its diverse application ecosystem, its unbundling. Even recently, corporate consumers wore their fealty to a vendor with pride: we’re a Microsoft shop, we’re an Oracle shop, we’re an IBM shop. While devoted, the relationship wasn’t monogamous. The right tool for the job, but guided by relationship as the north star. Bundling had the benefit (at least perceived) of interoperability — many tools, intermeshed, helping us work well as a team.

SaaS changed both the economics of software, and the adhesion of the bundle. Even if you wanted to be a mono-shop, it’s harder to see how to do that (or why you’d want to). Teams are picking the tools they want. Applications are able to be deeper and narrower than ever before. Consequently, everyone has many more applications from a much more distributed collection of vendors.