HostCamp: An Unconference For Advancing the WordPress Infrastructure

HostCamp is a small, semi-informal, invitation-only, event with an unconference style that is bringing leaders together from within the hosting industry to discuss and share ideas on how to advance the WordPress infrastructure across the web.

The organizing team is comprised of, Jonathan Wold, Ecosystem Consultant, Formerly VP of Strategy at XWP, Mile Rosu, Co-founder and CEO of Presslabs, Mihai Grescenko, Head of Design at Desero, Anna Maria Radu, Event producer for DigiTales, and Andreea Oproiu, Communication and PR specialist for DigiTales.

Speakers will present on a variety of topics including, malware, ethics in WordPress hosting, PHP versions, portability, and more. Betahaus, a network and co-working facility in Berlin, Germany, is hosting the event.

Betahaus Facility in Berlin, Germany

Rosu describes the unconference as, “A launchpad for innovations in the hosting industry where opportunities in WordPress infrastructure are encouraged and promoted.”

If you’re interested in attending, there is an application form near the bottom of the HostCamp site that is available until June 1st. Tickets are on sale now for €200 or $223.47. Refunds are available if you contact the organizing team 30 days prior to the event.

It should be noted that WordCamp EU is taking place in Berlin, Germany, as well and begins a day after HostCamp.