Java: How to Become More Productive With Hazelcast in Less Than 5 Minutes

What if you want to use a Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG) to speed up your database applications but you have hundreds of tables to handle? Manually coding all Java POJOs and serialization support would entail weeks of work, and when done, maintaining that domain model by hand would soon turn into a nightmare. Read this article and learn how to save time and do it in 5 minutes.

Now, there is a graceful way to manage these sorts of requirements. The Hazelcast Auto DB Integration Tool allows connection to an existing database, which can generate all these boilerplate classes automatically. We get true POJOs, serialization support, configuration, MapStore/MapLoad, ingest and more without having to write a single line of manual code. As a bonus, we get Java Stream support for Hazelcast distributed maps.