Hummingbird 2.0: Mobile Scans and Advanced Speed Tests… Vroom!

Hummingbird performance tests, reports, and recommendations just got a major upgrade but to get access to the all new lean-mean-humming-machine…you need to update!

In November, Google made much needed changes to PageSpeed Insights. Speed is now being calculated based on actual user experience and a site performance analysis. Thanks to this new Lighthouse integration, Hummingbird is able to see where your page is slowing in the loading process and offer better solutions for fixing performance issues.

No more shooting in the dark! No more PTSD (Performance Test Stress Disorder). Now you can find speed bottlenecks, put a solution in place that actually makes things faster for your visitors, and move on. Bing bang bong!

The upgraded performance test along with +25 other upgrades and improvements are available now. Get your copy of Hummingbird on or start your 30-day free trial to get Hummingbird Pro and the entire WPMU DEV performance suite.

Now that you’re all set up, Take a look at the highlight features in version 2.0, including advanced Multisite integration, a new reports module with Lighthouse recommendations, and performance report customizations.

Are you an active Hummingbird user? Upgrade to 2.0. Not only is it better, Hummingbird 2.0+ ensures compatibility with the new Google PageSpeed Insights moving forward. Enjoy. You’re welcome. No…really. It’s our pleasure!

Hummingbird Google PageSpeed Lighthouse integration
Hummingbird has new recommendations based on actual site performance.

New score metrics include:

  • Speed Index
  • First Meaningful Paint
  • First Contentful Paint
  • Time to Interactive
  • First CPU Idle

What’s Paint Got to do With It?

We recently took an in depth look at the new speed results and if you’re serious about site performance, become well acquainted with the new metrics. If CliffNotes are your thing, basically the new index is calculated based on how quickly content is seen, delivered, and able to be interacted with.

In short, Hummingbird 2.0 uses these new metrics to make your site load blazing fast.

Make it Mobile First

Site performance has many facets. You can score a perfect 100 on Desktop performance and have a horrific mobile experience. NOT ANYMORE! Why? ‘Cause Hummingbird 2.0 lets you choose between mobile and desktop scores.

Activate mobile speed tests from Hummingbird
Hummingbird lets you view and send both Desktop and Mobile reports.

Working on client sites where you want to exclude certain elements of your report? Hummingbird lets you hide score metrics, audit information, and add historic field data to both the dashboard and The Hub. Select what information is relevant based on who has access.

And now Reports can be configured to display both Desktop and Mobile speed results.

Subsite and Network Admin Upgrade

Hey, Multisite friends! This one’s for you. Hummingbird is an excellent performance tool for both WordPress and Multisite. Today she boasts some fancy new Multisite specific tools. Give or limit access to the Asset Optimization Module for subsite users.

Hummingbird Asset Optimization tools for Multisite subsites
Hummingbird gets special Multisite integration for Asset Optimization.

Set access based on role, enable or disable subsite access to the CDN, and troubleshoot with the subsite debug log.

Give All Your Sites Superhero Speed

With advanced performance tests, one-click fixes, recommendations, a powerful cache suite, reporting tools, Multisite integration, and a bunch more, Hummingbird has quickly become a power tool for getting top performance out of WordPress sites. We’re not just saying that, we tested her. See how she stacks up against the others.

But you don’t need me to tell you. We think the best way to fall in love with Hummingbird is to experience all her tools for yourself. That’s why we’ve set you up with a 30-day free membership.

Our WordPress super team is so dang impressive we sound like a bunch of braggers when we talk about them. I don’t want you to feel like we’re over selling you. So we made Hummingbird free. Free on or get started with a WPMU DEV membership and try Hummingbird Pro 2.0, Smush image optimization, Defender security, The Hub dashboard manager, backups, 24/7 live chat support, our marketing power tools, on unlimited sites free for 30-days. I know you’ll be impressed.
