I’m Now a Developer Advocate at Google!

After more than four years at Google, I'm now a Developer Advocate! "Wait, I thought you already were that?" is the most common reaction. Allow me to tell my story.

How the Google Journey Began

Google recruiters had reached out to me over the years, and in August 2014 — if my memory serves me right — they queried about my interest in becoming a Developer Advocate for the Web at Google. I expressed my interest and we started Google's detailed and granular assessment and hiring process. In my first call with HR, though, they informed me that this role was full-time in London. Not having an interest, nor possibility, to move to London, I said that I couldn't relocate but I would be happy to travel there every second week and work there then. I was met with "Unfortunately that's not going to work out; you have to be based in the London office full-time."