Getting to 85 — Agile Metrics with ActionableAgile, Part 1

The topic of Agile metrics inevitably comes up in many situations and conversations. I have been hiring Scrum Masters lately. One of my screening questions read, "What standard metrics would you track if any and for what purpose?" I cannot tell you how many candidates mention velocity, burndown and burnup charts. Very few can reasonably explain the meaning and use for those.

So far, I hired 2 Scrum Masters whose answer to the question didn't have any of those metrics. What these two have in common was they mentioned and could talk about Cycle Time. Mind you, that was not the only reason they got the job, but it gave them an advantage over others. Rarely do you hear Scrum practitioners bringing up Cycle Time, Lead Time, Throughput, or Work Item Age. These all firmly used to belong to the Kanban world. Somehow during the Holy Scrum-Kanban decades of feud these metrics were banished from the Scrum land and forgotten by many.