Data Analysis Using Google Cloud Data Studio


Google Cloud Data Studio is a tool for transforming data into useful reports and data dashboards. As of now, Google Data Studio has 22 inbuilt Google Connectors and 571 different Partner connectors which help in connecting data from BigQuery, Google Ads, Google Sheets, Cloud Spanner, Facebook Ads Data, Adobe Analytics, and many more. 

Once the data is imported, reports and dashboards can be created by a simple drag and drop and using various filter options. Google Cloud Data Studio is out of the Google Cloud Platform, which is why it is completely free. 

What Is a Data Reliability Engineer, and Do You Really Need One?

As software systems became increasingly complex in the late 2000s, merging development and operations (DevOps) was a no-brainer. 

One-half software engineer, one-half operations admin, and the DevOps professional are tasked with bridging the gap between building performant systems and making them secure, scalable, and accessible. It wasn’t an easy job, but someone had to do it. 

Querying Pull Request Data from GitHub

To make sure that bugs do not reach the end-user of your product, you need to do code reviews. In code review, metrics of pull requests matter a lot because they provide data on how well you are shipping. Software developers can use pull requests metrics to understand the team dynamics and act appropriately to correct behaviors before things get out of hand.

What Is Code Review?

Code review is when a peer or a senior developer examines a developer's code or a pull request. Code reviews help developers discover common bugs faster and reduce the work required to optimize code later.

Trino, Superset, and Ranger on Kubernetes: What, Why, How?

This article is an opinionated SRE point of view of an open-source stack to easily request, graph, audit and secure any kind of data access of multiple data sources. This post is the first part of a series of articles dedicated to MLOps topics. So, let’s start with the theory!

What Is Trino?

Trino is an open-source distributed SQL query engine that can be used to run ad hoc and batch queries against multiple types of data sources. Trino is not a database, it is an engine that aims to run fast analytical queries on big data file systems (like Hadoop, AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, etc), but also on various sources of distributed data (like MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Kafka, Druid, etc).  One of the great advantages of Trino is its ability to query different datasets and then join information to facilitate access to data. 

Data Mining in IoT: From Sensors to Insights

In a typical enterprise use case, you always start from something small to evaluate the technology and the solution you would like to implement, a so-called “Proof Of Concept” (POC). This very first step is fundamental to understanding technology’s potential and limits, checking the project's feasibility, and estimating the possible Return on Investment (ROI).

This is exactly what we did in the use-case of a people counting solution for a university. This first project phase aimed to identify how the solution's architecture should look and what kind of data insights are relevant to provide.

SerpApi YouTube Data Extraction Tool

With many people shifting to digital online broadcasting, the platform has grown exponentially. YouTube data has become a major part of the analysis in machine learning and data analytics. Using SerpApi, we will extract YouTube data and query it for analysis.


The product is easy to use and flexible to tailor across multiple YouTube content depending on the field of interest. However, one will require a mid-level knowledge and understanding of:

Cube Cloud Deep Dive: Starting a New Cube App

Cube has been an open-source project since 2018. We try our best to listen to the community and our users to make it the best analytics API server on the market today.

We really appreciate all the help and sincere dedication our lovely community has done to provide feedback, submit pull requests, and feature ideas to improve Cube even more. We hope the soon-to-be 12,000 stars on GitHub are a representation of our dedication to making our community happy.

GraphQL Postgres Metrics Dashboard With Cube

You're bound to have heard the term GraphQL. Unless you live under a rock. I doubt that though. GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.

This tutorial will show you a step-by-step guide on how to use a GraphQL API to build Postgres metrics dashboards.

Walmart and eBay Electronic Brand Analysis Using SerpAPI

To compare Walmart and eBay, it is noted that eBay is better than Walmart in selling electronics of all brands. And reviews are one of the best factors to consider in stocking products on a selling platform. Let's deep dive into how to use SerpApi to extract, visualize, analyze, and draw conclusions about this data.


  1. Python 3.x.x
  2. VS Code/Jupyter Notebook

Import Libraries

How AI Democratization Helped Against COVID-19

AI not only helped in data gathering but also in data processing, data analyses, number crunching,  genome sequencing, and making the all-important automated protein molecule binding prediction.

AI’s use will not end with the vaccine’s discovery and distribution; it will be used to study the side effects in the billions of vaccinations

Using Cursors and Loops in MySQL

Dolphins image.

If you've ever wanted to learn how to write a MySQL cursor or a MySQL loop, you've come to the right place. Let's iterate!

Consider loops in general programming. They help you execute a specific sequence of instructions repeatedly until a particular condition breaks the loop. MySQL also provides a way to execute instructions on individual rows using cursors. Cursors in MySQL will execute a set of instructions on rows returned from SQL queries.

Properties of MySQL Cursors

  • Non-Scrollable: You can only iterate through rows in one direction. You can't skip a row; you can't jump to a row; you can't go back to a row.
  • Read-only: You can't update or delete rows using cursors.
  • Asensitive: MySQL cursors point to the underlying data. It runs faster than an insensitive cursor. Insensitive cursors point to a snapshot of the underlying data, making it slower than the asenstive cursors.

Creating a MySQL Cursor

To create a MySQL cursor, you'll need to work with the DECLARE, OPEN, FETCH, and CLOSE statements.

Boost Visual Analytics Dashboard User Experience with Parameters

Advanced analytics, business intelligence (BI), and the data that drives them are largely unused by the organizations that invest heavily in their promise. Industry insiders and analysts took notice of these trends and have reported on them regularly in recent years. According to Gartner, 97 percent of organizational data goes unused, and 87 percent of organizations have low levels of BI and advanced analytical maturity.

Many factors contribute to these challenges, and we're not going to pretend that we know them all or that there's an easy fix. Yet, our users have shown us that enhanced usability and a focused approach to analytics dashboard software can improve application stickiness.

Becoming a Data-Driven Organization: Hidden Potential and Challenges

Data is a business gold mine for organizations, yet many companies struggle to unlock its complete potential. Through data, organizations can gain a better understanding of their operations and customers. Acting on the data to make informed business decisions is not necessarily a straightforward process. A data-driven organization can glean deep insights from data to update internal processes and respond directly to market feedback and improve their customer relationships. A data-driven organization can also leverage data to identify to create value for their consumers.

Statista predicts that by 2022, the big data and analytics market will reach 274 billion dollars. Organizations are playing a vital role in the exponential growth of data by utilizing Big Data technologies for analytics to become data-driven. In this article, we will explore how organizations can benefit from data and what challenges they face in the process. 

Finding the Story in the EU Fishing Rights Data

As Brexit trade negotiations were dragging on at the start of the year, a lot of the discourse focused on perceived inequities in fishing rights. I felt there was a story in the data that could add depth and detail to the narrative. Despite having the largest Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of all EU countries, and some of the richest fishing grounds, UK fleets are restricted to relatively modest catches.

The Common Fisheries Policy provides EU states with mutual access to each other's fishing grounds but sets quotas based largely on catch figures from 40 years ago, which today seem arbitrary. Earlier this year, the UK government was pushing to reverse this by proposing a "zonal attachment" model, where quotas would be carved up relative to the abundance of fish in each country's waters.

Your Ultimate Guide to Redshift ETL: Best Practices, Advanced Tips, and Resources


Amazon Redshift makes it easier to uncover transformative insights from big data. Analytical queries that once took hours can now run in seconds. Redshift allows businesses to make data-driven decisions faster, which in turn unlocks greater growth and success.

For a CTO, full-stack engineer, or systems architect, the question isn’t so much what is possible with Amazon Redshift, but how? How do you ensure optimal, consistent runtimes on analytical queries and reports? And how do you do that without taxing precious engineering time and resources?