Why Is UX Such a Big Deal?

When 55% of visitors spend less than 15 seconds on a website (remember human beings have an attention span of six-eight seconds, less than a goldfish’s), user experience-driven engagement becomes extremely crucial.

Millennials and digital natives shift loyalties in seconds and constitute a majority of the figure mentioned above. The goal is to keep them engaged, and digital interaction is the most crucial touchpoint. One could say that a $5 billion company’s significance is decided by 15-year old digital natives. Consider an enterprise as broadly consisting of two ends, a front and back. While the back end provides the ammunition, the front end has to deploy them. The company’s digital endpoint is the user’s first digital touchpoint. Therefore, it’s the customer/user who shapes the UX, not the CXO. The ability to shift along with the user’s ever-changing demands depends on how programmable and agile a business is.