Useful Git Commands

Git is a most widely used and powerful version control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. It is primarily used for source code management in software development, but it can be used to keep track of changes in any set of files.

Git was developed by Linus Torvalds in 2005 as an distributed open source software version control software and of course it is free to use. As a distributed revision control system it is aimed at speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear work flows.

Secrets Management: Using Vault for Accessing the Cloud Infrastructure


In the current IT world, there has been a need for having secured connectivity and having many private objects, which need to be accessible only for a limited set of applications or services. We call this orchestration “Secrets Management.” There are many tools currently available in the market that caters to this need. Some of them are inbuilt with the cloud-like Secrets Manager for AWS or Docker Secrets or Vaults. Today, in this post, we will discuss Managing Secrets by Vault and Hashicorp. There are many features that are exposed by Vault in regards to implementing and securing the application authorization and authentication.

We will discuss how dynamic secrets can be generated by Vault using AWS IAM Policies and how to send them to an application via API-based calls. An advantage of dynamic secrets is that they are generated when they are accessed. Dynamic secrets do not exist until they are read, so there is no risk of someone stealing them or another client using the same secrets. Because Vault has built-in revocation mechanisms, dynamic secrets can be revoked immediately after use, minimizing the amount of time the secret existed.

The Best Cloud Migration Approach: Lift-And-Shift, Replatform, Or Refactor?

Migrating to a new infrastructure or environment is both thrilling and challenging. It is exciting because the move is usually accompanied by additional resources and new features being made available. These additions are almost always good for the app and the developers behind it. At the same time, the actual process of migrating to the cloud is cumbersome and often difficult to handle.

Cloud migration doesn’t always have to be a hassle though, you simply need to strategize for the move appropriately. Which is why one of the things you need to do when planning for cloud migration is to weigh up the best approach to use. However, there are so many approaches to choose from. In this article, we are going to focus on three of the main trends. Rehosting, replatforming or refactoring. Which of these methods is the best?

Scrum Guide Decomposition, Part 2

This is the second part of the Scrum Deconstruction.  You can find part 1 here. As mentioned previously, I did this as a method to help me understand the Scrum Guide better, and as part of my study for the’s PSM I exam that I took back in October last year. I have made updates based on the newest version of the Scrum Guide, November 2017.

Here I share in the hope that someone finds it useful.

Developers Eat Everything in a DevOps World

No doubt you have heard that software is eating the world and possibly even that developers are the new kingmakers. If all this is true, then there is a lot of responsibility that now rests with developers (for people practicing DevOps, this is also self-evident). Even before the rise of DevOps, developers were effectively entrusted with a lot of responsibility for the success of the business. Millions of dollars, or in some cases even lives, could be at stake.

Surely you have heard that with great power comes great responsibility? The flip side of this “new kingmaker” capability is that now (a lot) more is expected of developers.

Things That Start Badly…

The code has a super-simple email message with f"<html><body><p>stuff {data}</p></body></html>". It was jammed into an email object along with the text version. All very nice.

For a moment, I considered suggesting that f-string substitution wasn't a good long-term solution since it doesn't cover anything more than the most trivial case.

Medical AI Systems Struggle to Perform Well Across IT Systems

The level of expectation surrounding AI in healthcare has reached fever pitch in recent years, with a number of pilot projects achieving positive early results. Most of these projects involved AI systems being trained on a sample dataset of medical data, such as x-rays or other medical imagery, after which the system was capable of providing early detection of various conditions.

The challenge for many of these systems is that they were usually trained on data from a single healthcare provider, with a common health IT system. A recent study highlights how when faced with data from different health systems, such AI technologies often perform much worse than doctors.

How to Get Redis-cli Without Installing Redis Server

I probably spend more time than most in  redis-cli because I find it invaluable when I'm writing software or getting to know a new module. If I didn't have  redis-cli , understanding Redis' data structures and testing connections would be far more complicated, and I probably would've stopped using Redis long ago.

Redis-cli  by itself isn't that complicated — it's a REPL (read-eval-print loop) that speaks to the Redis server. However, getting this jewel of a tool is not as straightforward for many. The source for redis-cli is included in the Redis GitHub repository and is automatically compiled when you build Redis from source. But what happens if you can't (or don't want to) build Redis from source? It means you also don't have redis-cli, and building an entire database from source just to get access to the command-line interface (CLI) utility is overkill and sometimes not even an option.

Deploy Mule 4 Application To Anypoint Runtime Fabric Using Maven Plugin

In the CI/CD process, it is very common to use a Mule Maven plugin to build and deploy an application to the Cloudhub, on-premise private cloud like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc. Since Mule 4, a lot of changes related to the deployment has changed, particularly related to the Mule Runtime Fabric (RTF). Actually, RTF is a completely new infrastructure for Mule application deployment. I will cover more on that topic later. In this article, I am going to cover the following topics related to the deployment to Anypoint Runtime Fabric (RTF):

  1. Prepare pom.xml setup to deploy mule project to Anypoint RTF
  2. Encrypt password
  3. Troubleshooting

If everything works, at the end, we should be able to achieve the following goals:

This Week in Spring: Spring Boot, Azure, GCP, Tips, Tutorials, and More

Hi, Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, I’m off to pleasant Pittsburgh, PA, to speak at, among other places, DICK’s Sporting Goods. Join me!

Now that my entire six-part series on how to use Spring Boot with Microsoft Azure just concluded, with the final parts being released last week, I wanted to give you the whole thread here for your consumption.

Where can I sell my scripts?

I have some simple scripts like blogs, forums, and so on. They are not of high quality but I want to sell them.

The problem is that I cannot build a professonal website. But I want to sell my work.

Where can I find a marketplace for such items?

Note that I can't sell with Themeforest because they have a strict moderation.

Contributing to Postgres

About once a month, I get this question: “How do I contribute to Postgres?.” PostgreSQL is a great database with a solid code base, and for many of us, contributing back to open source is a worthwhile cause. The thing about contributing back to Postgres is you generally don’t just jump right in and commit code on day one. So figuring out where to start can be a bit overwhelming. If you’re considering getting more involved with Postgres, here are a few tips that you may find helpful.

Follow What’s Happening

The number one way to familiarize yourself with the Postgres development and the code community is to subscribe to the mailing lists. Even if you’re not considering contributing back, the mailing lists can be a great place to level up your knowledge and skills around Postgres. Fair warning: the mailing lists can be very active. But that’s ok, as you don’t necessarily need to read every email as it happens — daily digests work just fine. There is a long list of mailing lists you can subscribe to, but here are a few I think you should know about:

API Management Is About Measuring Value Exchange

APIs are all about measuring the value exchange that occurs between internal groups, with partners, and occasionally with the public when it makes sense. API management is where you start this conversation and has been used for a decade to measure, limit, and quantify the value being exchanged at the API level. Now that API management has been baked into the cloud, we are starting to see the approach being scaled to deliver at a marketplace level. With over ten years of experience with delivering, quantifying, metering, and billing at the API level, Amazon is the best example of this monetization approach in action, with two distinct ways of quantifying the business of APIs.

AWS Marketplace Metering Service — SaaS-style billing model that provides a consumption monetization model in which customers are charged only for the number of resources they use — the best-known cloud model.

Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling

Among researchers, there is a growing interest in conceptualizing complex problems. It requires using a system framework and using systems modeling tools to explore how components of a complex problem interact. In particular, system simulation approaches are useful tools for understanding the processes and structures involved in complex problems. Also, identifying high-leverage points in the system and evaluating hypothetical interventions becomes easier.

One tool that has extensive usage in among researchers is agent-based modeling (ABM). We define traits and initial behavior rules of an agent that organize their actions and interactions. Stochasticity plays an important part in determining which agents interact and how agents make decisions.

Lessons Learned Building Large-Scale React Native Apps

We've built a number of great mobile applications on React Native. We recently wrapped up one of the largest we've done here at SmartLogic — largest in terms of user base, navigation depth, redux state, and sagas. With every app, our list of best practices and little tricks that work well for us grows, but with the larger apps, there are some additional best practices we've recently settled on.

We took some time to reflect back on some of the best lessons we've learned after completing over a half dozen React Native apps. Here are our top four takeaways and lessons learned from our experiences building large React Native applications.