How to Get Your Engineering Team Involved in Product Efforts

At Anaxi, we don’t have a product manager. Seem weird? We’re not the only ones to do that. For instance, that’s also the case at Apple. But in our case, this role is spread out across our remote engineering team. In this article, I will detail why we do this and how we do it. To be honest, there are many things we’re still iterating on, and refining our processes will just be a constant effort, as it should be in every company. Note that our process works for any engineering team, working together in the same office or remotely.

Why You Want Your Dev Team Involved in Your Product Definition Efforts

In our particular case, our target customers are developers and engineering managers (and later on, product managers). So our engineering team also happens to represent our own customers. It stands to reason that they should have deep insights on what has value and what has less, probably more than a non-technical product manager who thinks they can understand the audience.