Enhancing a Kotlin Chart With Advanced Charting Kit (Part 2)

In part 1 of this blog series, I demonstrated how the Advanced Charting Kit can be used to enhance a shinobichart using Kotlin. In this blog post, I’d like to show you how you can improve your chart a little further. Again, I’ll demonstrate this using the heart rate chart that I used in part 1. At the end of part 1, we had a chart that looked as below:

While the chart now shows pace as well as heart rate, I feel it looks a little crowded. The relationships between the data series are not immediately obvious and I feel — to some degree — adding the pace data clutters the chart when it is viewed fully zoomed out. Rather than display all of the pace data upon the initial loading of the chart, I think this could be a great fit for ACK’s drill down animation feature. Why don’t we have the pace data appear as the user zooms in on the x or time axis?