DevOps Radio: A DevOps Transformation is Never “Done”

DevOps evangelist Brian Dawson is back in the host seat for Episode 42 of DevOps Radio, featuring Keith Pleas, DevOps architecture senior manager at Accenture and Stas Zvinyatskovsky, engineering leader, software architect and managing director at Accenture. With the entire software world changing, old practices have run their course and organizations are turning towards modern software engineering with DevOps.

This episode is all about defining the DevOps transformation. For Accenture, that means finding the sweet spot of continuous delivery (CD) that is DevOps and adding automated security to the process. In both Stas and Keith’s experience, organizations approach DevOps transformation as a checklist and expect to cross off each step and walk off into the sunset, when in fact they should be continuously adding capabilities so it’s never “done.” In order to achieve division of DevOps, organizations need to change the processes and practices to hit the speed, productivity and quality that cloud native companies are experiencing.