US Army Will Develop AI That Is Able to Predict World Events

It is within the Kairos program (Artificial Intelligence Reasoning Over Schemas) that Darpa is working on this Artificial Intelligence that it believes can predict world events.

The model chosen to implement Kairos is the use of schemas. This concept, defined by Jean Piaget in 1923, consists of offering contextual and temporal reasoning on complex events. Basically, it is a matter of combining a series of events to produce a final event. A diagram thus describes the organization of an action corresponding to the structuring of an action. That is how we can say that someone who leaves home on the first Saturday of the month — with his wallet, a bag, and who is heading for a shopping mall — will most certainly commit... his races of the month! Okay, the Darpa is not very interested in the example, but I'll let you see the logical path for a terrorist.