How to Setup Docker Private Registry on Ubuntu 16.04


Docker Private Registry is a highly scalable server-side application that can be used to store and distribute the Docker images internally within your organization. Docker also has its own public registry (Docker Hub) that allows you to store Docker images. But, the images you upload on Docker Hub becomes public. Anyone can access and use your images from Docker Hub. So it is not the best option for your organization. Docker Private Registry allows you to set up a Docker registry for your project privately so that only your organization can store and use Docker images on it. Using Docker Private Registry, you can easily control your images, fully own your images distribution pipeline, and integrate image storage and distribution tightly into your in-house development workflow. If you want to quickly deploy a new image over a large cluster of machines, then Docker Private Registry is the best solution for you.

In this tutorial, We will explain how to set up our own Docker Private Registry server on Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance with Ubuntu 16.04.