#206: Prototyping with Dave and Trent

Dave Rupert and Trent Walton crossover from ShopTalk Show to talk about how they use CodePen PRO to build better websites for their clients at Paravel, Inc.

Sponsor: Jetpack

Jetpack brings a wealth of features to your self-hosted WordPress site as one of the best no-brainer plugins for WordPress there is. One feature I just recently used for the first time was the video hosting and video player. I had a video clip that I just wanted to drag and drop into a blog post like I would an image, but it was a little too big. Fortunately I just uploaded it through WordPress.com, it was magically available in the Media dialog on my self-hosted site, and it worked perfectly.

Time Jumps

  • 00:10 Guest intros
  • 04:28 Using CodePen with clients
  • 11:48 Where are the conversations happening?
  • 14:22 Previewing ideas on device with ease
  • 16:37 Sponsor: Jetpack
  • 19:00 Do you ever get pushback?
  • 22:27 What else could CodePen do?
  • 29:52 Thoughts on the client work world.

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