Meshing Around and Creating Chaos in 2019

It's that time of year again — time to reflect on the past year and anticipate the year ahead. This year, I expect us to be Meshing Around and Creating Chaos. Let me explain further:

In 2019, interest in and deployments of service meshes will continue to rise. Expect new emergence in the space and a number of existing offerings to affix “Mesh” onto their offering name as they jump on the coattails of this hot technology. While some service meshes assist in modernizing existing, non-containerized workloads, they are particularly helpful in sophisticated, distributed systems, given that such deployments only exacerbate the need for visibility, control, and security of their networks. The good news here is that for the non-network-savvy, service meshes immediately eliminate hard-to-solve challenges, facilitating a decoupling of developers and operators, who may now exert control over their services’ networks declaratively and independently — without the need for rolling a new release. As something of a third step in containerized deployments, service meshes captured much mind share in 2018 and will only grow in popularity and adoption in 2019 and 2020.