8 Actionable Insights To Write Better Automation Code

As you start on with automation you may come across various approaches, techniques, framework, and tools you may incorporate in your automation code. Sometimes such versatility leads to greater complexity in code than providing better flexibility or better means of resolving issues. While writing an automation code it’s important that we are able to clearly portray our objective of automation testing and how are we achieving it. Having said so it’s important to write "clean code" to provide better maintainability and readability. Writing clean code is also not an easy cup of tea, you need to keep in mind a lot of best practices. The below topic highlights 8 silver lines one should acquire to write better automation code.

1. Naming Convention

This is indeed one of the rules of thumb to keep in mind as we move from manual to automation, or in fact writing code in any programming language. Following proper naming conventions helps in easier understanding of code and maintenance. This naming convention implies variables, methods, classes, and packages. For example, your method name should be specific as what it is intended for. A Register_User() method portrays the method displaying user registration within that method. Clearly defined method names adds to the easy maintenance and readability of the script. The same extends to the variable naming. I have noticed many people mentioning variables as a, b, c, and on, or even Web Elements as Weblelement1 and Webelement2 and so on. This gives no clue to the user seeing the variable name as what it intends to do.