What Did We Learn about DevOps in 2018?

There is no hard and fast rule to say this is the exact DevOps path to success, but we can always draw some experimental and hypothetical ideas and create a DevOps plan accordingly. In general, doing DevOps right means approaching DevOps in a systematic, platform-centric fashion and letting the culture fall into place naturally. Fix the root causes, and the symptom will go away. Whatever we call it, the end goal is to make the process of software development and delivery more efficient and merge dev and ops for a smooth business operation. Whatever the definition of DevOps is, but the ideology behind is the same.

Just to make it more clear, embracing DevOps means that you are willing to change fast, develop fast, test fast, fail fast, recover fast, learn fast, and push the products fast to the market. The primary goal of DevOps is simple: Ship software updates frequently, reliably, and with better quality and moreover, DevOps is a mental model transformation of the entire organization for better organizational agility, other words..it’s about delivery Nirvana.