Survey Analysis for SAE Institute: A Case Study

SAE Institute from Australia is considered the front-runner in creative studies. They recently ran a survey to understand the general sentiment of students and identify key areas of improvement. This case study describes how ParallelDots carried out a detailed survey analysis to make sense of the student responses and derived specific insights from this data. 750 students responded to the survey, resulting in a total of 4500 comments.

The Challenges in Traditional Survey Analysis

Traditional methods of survey analysis suffer from multiple human biases and are intensive in terms of effort as well as time. Knowing this, the institute decided to outsource the project to ParallelDots.

How to Share Your Redis Geek Story at RedisConf ’19

It's that time of year! No, I don't mean the seasons changing. It's RedisConf CfP time!

This is your opportunity to talk about Redis in front of a gathering of fellow geeks. RedisConf '19 will be held April 2-3 at San Francisco's Pier 27. That might seem like a long time from now, but we're already busy putting together a schedule of sessions to ensure that April will be great.

BDD – An Introduction and Usage Guide

When I was asked to implement TDD/BDD in our work, I searched a lot for a single-page document/site but was not able to find one. Though there are plenty of very good resources available on this topic, I have decided to create a single article to show both of these 2 approaches hands-on.


In Agile development, organizations want to be market ready for new products, features, and functionalities within a very small period of time. But traditional testing methodologies cannot ensure this. To keep up the pace with this rapid development in an Agile environment, a few new design practices for Software Testing were born. We can name a few like ATDD, TDD, BDD, or Integration Testing, but we will limit our discussion to TDD & BDD which are the most used practice nowadays.

Creating and Manipulating PDFs with pdfrw

Patrick Maupin created a package he called pdfrw and released it back in 2012. The pdfrw package is a pure-Python library that you can use to read and write PDF files. At the time of writing, pdfrw was at version 0.4. With that version, it supports subsetting, merging, rotating and modifying data in PDFs. The pdfrw package has been used by the rst2pdf package (see chapter 18) since 2010 because pdfrw can “faithfully reproduce vector formats without rasterization.” You can also use pdfrw in conjunction with ReportLab to re-use potions of existing PDFs in new PDFs that you create with ReportLab.

In this article, we will learn how to do the following:

Spring Cloud and Spring Boot, Part 2: Implementing Zipkin Server For Distributed Tracing

In my last article you have learn how to implement Eureka Server for service discovery and registration. In this article, you will learn one more important feature of microservices, Distributed Tracing.

What is Distributed Tracing?

Distributed Tracing is crucial for troubleshooting and understanding microservices. It is very useful when we need to track the request passing through multiple microservices. Distributed Tracing can be used to measure the performance of the microservices. 

How to Transition From Excel Reports to Business Intelligence Tools

If you are one of those people manually creating reports using Excel, you know it can be overwhelming to meet the organizational expectations for quality, insights, and velocity. The business demands of twenty-first-century data analysis using twentieth-century tools are the root of too much pain and frustration. 

If you decided to do a little research on the latest and greatest alternatives, you quickly see how many tools exist to solve those challenges. Reviewing the options you think, “Hurray! This is going to be a snap. These tools make it seem so easy!” Next, you decide to take the plunge with a trial of a preferred tool like Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Looker, Amazon QuickSight, or Google Data Studio. Don't have a tool picked out to trial yet? You can check out business intelligence software options on G2

Node.js Tutorial for Beginners (Part 4): Making an App Responsive With Bootstrap

Introduction and Project Refresh

Throughout this series, we've been building an application to keep track of the National Parks we've visited. In the last article, we looked at how to transfer data between two Express-based web pages using the body-parser middleware. In this post, we'll look at how to style our pages and make them responsive using the open source Bootstrap framework.

Quick PSA: If you're smart, you'll do what I didn't and wait to make any CSS tweaks until after Bootstrap has been properly integrated and all our elements are responsive. 

Why Framework Choice Matters in Web Application Security

One of the oldest clichés in web application security is that "it doesn't matter which framework you choose if you know what you're doing." In my experienced opinion, off the back of a career in the web security industry, this notion is completely false!

This blog post explains why.