Static Binding Vs. Dynamic Binding in Java

Static Binding in Java

In this static binding, the binding can resolve at runtime or compile time. The binding process of all static, final and private methods is done at compile time.

Dynamic Binding in Java

Overriding in Java can be considered the best example of dynamic binding as both parent and child classes have the same method — that is, it doesn’t decide on the method to be called.

A Deep Dive Inside Industrial IoT (IIoT)

Image titleJaded sensors and real-time analytics are revolutionizing construction, transportation, and logistics, from asset safety to increased condition monitoring and proactive deployment of maintenance crews before equipment fails.

From the manpower efforts to the digital technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) has changed the way we interact with the world around us, bringing new opportunities from every challenge and new risks to the most personal areas of our lives. But the real revolution among various industries is going on, from heavy industry and agriculture to city infrastructure and medical care to the healthcare industry.

Which is the Best WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin? (Performance + Quality Compared)

Are you looking for the best WordPress gallery plugin for your website?

There are so many WordPress photo gallery plugins available, but the problem is that most will either slow down your website, or they’re extremely difficult to use.

To help you pick the right solution, we have created a detailed comparison of the performance, features, and quality of the best WordPress photo gallery plugins.

Our goal is to help you find the WordPress photo and video gallery plugin, that is fast, easy to use, and has all the features you will need.

Best WordPress Gallery Plugins

Our Criteria for the Best WordPress Gallery Plugin

In our opinion, a perfect WordPress gallery plugin should be fast, easy to use, and have all the necessary features that you need to create beautiful galleries (such as lightboxes, image navigation, albums, pagination, etc).

The gallery plugin should offer a great user experience and help improve your image SEO as well.

4 Best WordPress Gallery Plugins

We have hand-picked the four most popular WordPress photo gallery plugins on the market.

In our comparison, we will look at the speed, features, ease of use, and reliability of these plugins:

Let’s get started with our comparison.


Speed is crucial when you are choosing a WordPress photo gallery plugin. Not only does it affect your WordPress SEO, but it also affects user experience on your site.

If you are using a gallery plugin for a portfolio or photography site, then you simply cannot afford to compromise on speed.

We ran a speed test for each of these plugins using the same images without modifying any default settings. Below are our results:

Gallery PluginPage Load TimeRequestsPage Size
Envira Gallery655 ms23988KB
Modula696 ms28948 KB
NextGEN867 ms351.0 MB
FooGallery917 ms27591 KB

As you can see in the above results, Envira Gallery came out as the fastest loading WordPress image gallery plugin. Modula came as a very close second with barely few milliseconds difference and with smaller page size.

The reason why Envira Gallery and Modula are so fast is that they are both well coded and highly optimized for speed. If performance and speed is your main concern (which it should be), then Modula and Envira Gallery are both great options.

Winner: It’s a tie between Envira Gallery and Modula

Ease of Use

Creating image galleries is not as simple as uploading a single image to your posts. You need to choose layouts, select columns, add thumbnail sizes, choose lightbox animations, etc.

Most beginners find the process quite overwhelming. The goal here is to find a WordPress photo gallery plugin that is both powerful and beginner friendly at the same time.

Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery follows and adheres to the WordPress coding standards and best practices. It provides a user interface that seamlessly blends into your WordPress admin area.

Creating a new gallery is quite simple and beginner friendly.

Envira Gallery user interface

Envira Gallery also comes with a Gutenberg block allowing you to easily add photo galleries into any WordPress post and page. You can also change gallery settings right from the post edit screen.

Gutenberg block for Envira Gallery

Classic editor users can use the shortcode or the button above the post editor to quickly add any gallery or album in your post/page.

Aside from that Envira Gallery also shows you the template tag that you can use it in your WordPress templates. This is particularly handy if you are developing a site for a client and want to include galleries straight into the theme.


Modula Gallery uses a similar approach to create new photo galleries. You can simply upload your files or select them from the media library to create a photo gallery.

Modula Gallery user interface

Below the images, you will find all gallery settings organized in tabs. From here you can change gallery style, theme, lightbox, and other settings.

To insert the gallery into WordPress posts and pages, you will need to copy the gallery shortcode and insert it using the Shortcode block in the Gutenberg editor.

There are no sidebar widgets or Gutenberg blocks at the moment to make it easier for users to insert Galleries.


FooGallery takes the similar approach as Envira Gallery and Modula. They use a simple user interface that looks and feels like WordPress.

FooGallery user interface

After uploading your photos, you can adjust the gallery settings in great details below the images.

FooGallery also makes it easy to insert photo galleries. You can use the built-in Gutenberg block, shortcode, or sidebar widget to display your photo galleries anywhere in WordPress. It also adds a button on top of the Classic Editor to select and insert galleries.

Unlike Envira Gallery, FooGallery does not show the template tag to insert your galleries into theme files or templates.

NextGEN Gallery

NextGEN is a little different than our other three contenders. It brings its own user interface, database tables, and separate folders to store your images. This is why NextGEN user interface looks a bit complicated in WordPress.

NextGen UI

It does offer a gallery wizard which can be helpful for beginners. However, it will take users some time to understand how to upload images and create a gallery. You may also find it a bit difficult to add the gallery into your post/page.

NextGen adds a Gutenberg block which allows you to create and add galleries from the post edit screen. For classic editor users, it adds a button to the post editor.

Winner: No clear winner. Envira, Modula, and Foo Gallery all offer easy to use interface.


In order to create a beautiful photo gallery, you need functionality like lightboxes, full-screen mode, albums, pagination, navigation, slideshow, password protection, EXIF metadata, social media sharing, and more.

However it’s important to remember that too many features can slow down your site, so let’s take a look at how our contenders handle the balance in features and functionality.

Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery is built with a mobile first approach. This means that it is fully responsive out of the box.

It allows you to easily choose thumbnail sizes, animations, gallery layouts, add meta tags for your images all from the single user interface.

Apart from the built-in features, there are loads of features that you can add by installing addons such as: gallery templates, social sharing, videos, password protection, image protection, albums, slideshow, Pinterest, image proofing, WooCommerce support, and more.

Envira Gallery features


Modula is the newest of all plugins on our list, so they do not have the advanced features. However the plugin does cover all the basic features you’ll want from a WordPress gallery plugin like lightbox popup, social sharing, custom styles, grid layouts, and more.

It comes with a custom grid feature which allows you to use simple drag and drop to create your own custom grid for galleries.

It also has a video addon for creating video galleries. However, Modula is lacking other features like albums, watermarking, proofing, and gallery templates.

Modula features


FooGallery comes with a lot of powerful features however it is not mobile responsive out of the box. You can select the responsive template to add a responsive photo gallery.

Another feature that we missed is the lightbox. You can install the free Foobox plugin to add lightbox functionality, but we felt that it should have been packaged with the core gallery plugin.

FooGallery also comes with extensions that you can install to add more features such as custom branding, cube effect, lightbox, and more.

FooGallery features

NextGEN Gallery

NextGEN Gallery is the oldest of all four plugins, and it comes with an extensive list of features.

Many of the features that are available as addons in Envira and Foo, are available out of the box in NextGEN gallery. There are also premium addons with more features that you can install.

Most NextGen features require a certain level of familiarity with the plugin. Users will need some time to figure things out, reading the documentation, and posting questions in support forums.

Winner: Envira Gallery is the clear winner here with its extensive list of features that cover all the basics + advanced features for photographers, eCommerce websites, and portfolios. NextGEN is the close second with a matching set of features.


WordPress provides you the freedom to move your site from one web host to another and even to different competitors.

We need to see if you can easily import/export and backup your photo gallery data.

Envira Gallery

Envira stores all your photo galleries as custom post types in the WordPress database. It stores your media files using the default WordPress media location. This means if you backup your WordPress site, then you will have all Envira Gallery data backed up.

Envira also allows you to import/export your individual galleries. This means that you can move a single gallery from one WordPress site to another.

Import / Export photo galleries using Envira Gallery

When you move your WordPress site, Envira will automatically detect it and will show you an option to fix the migration. All these features make Envira Gallery the most reliable photo gallery plugin for WordPress.


Modula also uses a custom WordPress content type to store your photo galleries. This means you can save your photo galleries with your WordPress backup and restore them when you restore WordPress site from backup.

Modula doesn’t allow you to import/export individual galleries.


Similar to Envira, FooGallery also stores your galleries as custom post types in the WordPress database. If you backup your WordPress site, then you will have a FooGallery data backup as well.

However, if you just want to export individual galleries, then there is no option for that because the plugin doesn’t come with an import/export feature.

NextGEN Gallery

NextGEN gallery does not come with import/export feature. Since it stores your data in separate database tables, this means you will need to configure your WordPress backup plugin to include those tables.

NextGEN also stores your images in a separate folder. If you want to create a backup for them, then you will need to download the folder separately to your computer.

Both Envira and FooGallery offer NextGen importers to make it easy for users to switch to their platform.

Winner: Enivra Gallery offers the most comprehensive set of tools to import/export your photo galleries.


All four plugins have a free WordPress gallery version available in the WordPress plugin directory. All four of them have paid upgrades available with more features. The pricing of your photo gallery plugin will depend on which plan you want to use for any of these plugins. You can choose a plan based on the features you need after trying the free versions.

Winner: No clear winners here – the pricing of products will vary based on what features you need and plan that you select.


If you’re looking for a simple and fast solution, then Envira Gallery and Modula Gallery are both great options for a WordPress gallery plugin.

If you need the advanced features and don’t mind a learning curve, then NextGen gallery is your best option.

We hope this article helped you pick the best WordPress gallery plugin for your website. You may also want to see our expert-pick of the must have WordPress plugins for all websites.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials and join us on Facebook.

The post Which is the Best WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin? (Performance + Quality Compared) appeared first on WPBeginner.

Guide to Convert Objective-C iOS Apps to Swift

Apple launched its new native language called "Swift" back in June 2014 for creating apps for iPhone, iPod, Apple Watch and other apple devices. Apple promised that it is a lot faster and simpler than Objective-C. In this article, we will discuss how to convert a legacy iOS app written in Objective-C language to Swift without rewriting all the code from scratch.

To understand this article, you should be familiar with both Swift and Objective-C. Here is a quick getting started to Swift article. Another guide for Swift ( is there to help you get going.

API Security Weekly: Issue #13


Another OAuth hack, and another reason why using OAuth for authentication can be dangerous. Researches by SafetyDetective found that Microsoft had 400 million users exposed. Outlook, Store, and other services allowed wildcard * as a valid wreply URL for tokens from Attackers noticed that and managed to grab the domain in Azure. Now, the attackers could construct login URLs that, whenever users clicked the URLs, provided the attackers valid tokens they could intercept and use to access Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Store as those users.

In addition, yet another intranet/open ports hack, similar to the printer hack last month. This time, attackers are using the Shodan search engine to locate Chromecast devices exposed to the Internet by local routers. Once located, attackers can take over the Chromecast devices and stream the videos that they want onto users’ TVs. Again, the reason is that Chromecast APIs were designed with home Wi-Fi network in mind, so it is assumed that whoever gets access to the API must be the device owner. To protect yourself, if you have a Chromecast device at home, make sure you disable UPnP on your home router.

How Testers Can Help Deliver Customer Service

I started my career in software testing back in 2010 when I was in my second year in college. Back then I really didn’t understand the depth of my job and its impact on the quality of the product. I was seeing the role of a tester more like "repeatable, routine-tolerant" rather than "unpredictable, and meaningful."

There’s this perception that testing is an entry-level job and can be performed by anyone. To some level it’s true, but once you want to master your craft and really take charge and pride of what is being released to your customers, you have to elevate your skills beyond just following script and orders step-by-step. Most of us can do that, but to be 10x better, faster, and stronger we constantly have to keep growing and try out new things.

CQRS Replay Performance Tuning

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) has become a popular pattern to avoid complex and, therefore, slow database queries in applications. With CQRS, queries are served from dedicated read models that are optimized for the query’s specific needs. This ensures that queries are as simple as possible and, therefore, as fast as possible. The read models need to be initialized and kept up to date with the primary storage (the command side). This is done most easily if the primary storage is event-based: the Event Sourcing (ES) concept. Axon offers a mature and popular implementation of the CQRS/ES concepts on the JVM, but several other implementations exist.

On the one hand, CQRS/ES presents a solution to a common performance problem. On the other hand, it introduces a couple of new potential performance challenges. First, the event store may not be able to deal efficiently with the number of events being stored. If the events are kept in a regular relational database table, performance will severely degrade once it grows to the point where the indices can’t be buffered in RAM. This is when built-for-purpose event stores like Axon Server can come to the rescue.

How to Start a Node.js Project

Sometimes I write blog posts to remind myself what I’ve learned and sometimes I write them because someone else shares something and I want to remember that better. This post is one of the latter.

Starting a Node.js project

Usually, when I start a new Node.js project I use npm to generate my initial project.

Tick Tock…6 Months Until SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 Support Expires Unless You Take Action

If you are still running SQL Server 2008/2008 R2, you probably have heard by now that as of July 9, 2019, you will no longer be supported. However, realizing that there are still a significant number of customers running on this platform that will not be able to upgrade to a newer version of SQL before that deadline, Microsoft has offered two options to provide extended security updates for an additional three years.

The first option you have requires the annual purchase of “Extended Security Updates.” Extended Security Updates will cost 75% of the full license cost annually and also requires that the customer is on active software assurance, which is typically 25% of the license cost annually. So effectively, to receive Extended Security Updates you are paying for new SQL Server licenses annually for three years, or until you migrate off SQL Server 2008/2008 R2.

DevOps Gets More Exciting in 2019

As an overall solution for the IT industry, DevOps brought about the freest collaboration among various teams creating an end-to-end connection across the process chain. It enabled two entirely-different teams — Development and Operations – to work as a single unit for a productive output that is qualitative and faster than before.

DevOps has evolved a lot and has become the main focus in shaping the world of software for the last few years. Professionals say that DevOps is going to be the mainstream and its popularity is going to reach its peak point in 2019.

Pushing Database Versioning to Its Limits

As most, current database systems still simply store current state or past states within one big relational table. We investigated what the performance drivers are and how to improve on the current state-of-the-art. We implemented an open-source storage system called Sirix(.io) from scratch, which stores small sized snapshots as well as supports sophisticated time-travel queries while competing with the efficiency of non-temporal database systems.

What Is a Temporal Database System?

It is a term used to describe that a system is capable of retrieving past states of your data. Typically, a temporal database stores both valid time, how long a fact is true in the real world, as well as transaction time when the data actually is committed to the database.

How to Make a Chatbot With AI

The world is slowly moving towards intelligent business systems that can make important decisions or perform vital actions on behalf of humans while offering a personalized experience. AI Chatbots are the latest rage in the current business technology scene ranging from e-commerce systems to hospitality management systems. The key advantages are anytime and anywhere interactions, which give the business global access to potential customers.

These intelligent software systems analyze previous conversations and study patterns using what is known as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to exhibit a more human-like response to queries. Some chatbots even flash the current user’s preferences based on previous conversations to give a more realistic touch to the interaction. Using a combination of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Vector Machines, Heuristics, and ANN, chatbots are designed to respond like intelligent humans.

Webhooks In Our API Design Toolbox

Another tool in our API Design Toolbox...

We talk a lot about how webhooks are the 101 of event-driven infrastructure. Webhooks are where API providers begin when it comes to developing an awareness of the most important events that are occurring across their platforms. It is how they begin putting event-driven infrastructure to work to help reduce polling on their API infrastructure. As part of our regular work to map out the event-driven landscape, we've organized a handful of the most common webhook building blocks we've come across.

JVM Advent Calendar: Two Years in the Life of AI, ML, DL, and Java [Links]

Now, back to what I was going to write about. If you ask me, I’ll already admit that I have NOT even scraped the surface of these topics. What I share here is a glimpse of what’s out there and each one of you might have discovered many more aspects of these topics as part of your daily professional and personal pursuits.

One of my motivations of putting this post and the links below together comes from the discussion we had during the LJC Unconference in November 2018, where Jeremie, Michael Bateman, and I, along with a number of LJC JUG members, gathered at a session discussing a similar topic. And, the questions raised by some were along the lines of "where does Java stand in the world of AI-ML-DL?," "how do I do any of these things in Java?, and "which libraries and frameworks should I use?"

YouTube Uploader – Let Others Upload Videos to your YouTube Channel

It is easy to upload videos to your own YouTube channel but there’s one limitation. Only the owner of the channel can upload videos to their YouTube account and they cannot delegate the task to someone else in the team.

Google Drive has the concept of shared folders. A folder can have multiple collaborators and anyone can upload files to that folder. Wouldn’t it be useful if such a feature were available for YouTube channels as well? You maintain a single YouTube account and multiple people can upload videos to your common account without the owner having their the Google account credentials with anyone.


YouTube Video Uploader for Collaboration

Introducing YouTube Uploader, a simple file upload form that lets anyone upload videos to your YouTube channel from their desktop or mobile phone. The uploader doesn’t even need a Google account and they’ll still be able to upload video files of any size to your YouTube channel.

Before we get into the implementation details, open this live demo page and upload a video file. Once the file is uploaded, YouTube will take a minute or two to process the video and it will go live immediately on the YouTube channel.

Make your Own YouTube Uploader

If you have a collaborative YouTube channel with multiple contributors, you may consider setting up your own private YouTube Uploader form and any of the contributors will be able to upload their work on your channel directly via the form.

Here’s how you can build a YouTube uploader in 3 easy steps.

  1. Click here to make a copy of the YouTube uploader script in your Google Drive. It is recommended that you create a new Google account to test the YouTube uploader before using it with your main account.
  2. Enable the YouTube API for your Google project. Go to Resources > Cloud Platform Project, click the project name and enable the YouTube Data API from the API library. Watch the video guide for details.
  3. While inside the script editor, go to Publish > Deploy as Web App and click Update.
  4. You’ll be presented with an authorization screen as the script needs permission to upload videos on your behalf and also send email notifications when a new video is uploaded. Click Allow.

That’s it. You’ll be presented with a unique URL that you can share with your team members.

The user is presented with a simple web form where they can fill in the video title, description, the video category, and the privacy mode (should the video be private,  public or unlisted). All they have to do is select a file and click “Upload” to send the video to your YouTube channel directly.

YouTube Uploader Settings

Important Points to Know:

  • When deploying the web app,  choose “Me” under the “Execute the App as” section and “Anyone, even anonymous” under the “Who has access to the app” section.
  • If you would like to disable the uploader, go to Resources > Deploy as web app and choose “Disable web app.”
  • The uploader is written in JavaScript (ES6) and compiled to Google Apps Script with Babel, Clasp and the Apps Script starter kit.
  • Keep the YouTube Uploader URL secret and only share with people you know.
  • This program comes as it is with no warranty. It may not be used for commercial applications.

The post YouTube Uploader – Let Others Upload Videos to your YouTube Channel appeared first on Digital Inspiration.