Bubble Sorting Array in Java: Lab Assigment

Lab Assignment

We must create a program that will print a sorted list of all the students and the corresponding scores listing the highest score first and the lowest score last. In this case I would need a Bubble Sort.


This is my "Bubble Sort" method shown in the code block below.

public static void bubbleSort(String [] name, double [] score)
        double temp;
        int counter;
        int index = 0;
        for(counter = 0; counter < score.length - 1 - counter; index++)
            if(score[index] > score[index + 1])
                temp = score[index];
                score[index] = score[index + 1];
                score[index + 1] = temp;

Looking at the way I have written this code I did not use the String [] name array in the method so the names will not be sorted along side the corresponding exam score.

How would i fix this code to sort not only the scores but print the names that go along side the scores? Do I need another method to accpet the names?