Windows installation from Mars

Intro: I am Almario and I would like to discuss windows installation especially and more specifically out of the box installations. Why it should be partitioned to at least two drives.

Body: A drive is volatile to a user and easily damagable. A drive when given super user access to system 32 folder. I won't explain how to do this as it will cause more bootsector virus code to appear. Anyways lol, once this folder and a specific subfolder is granted super access the virus can damage the boot sequence. Now when windows is started you can not access windows. You can try quick flash maybe the force is on your side.

When a drive is partioned into two drives where one is for the installation of windows yada yada. The other is used as a back-up drive for in-case partition A is infected or corrupted. Partition B can be empty and used for storage while partition A does most of the work. If partition A is corrupt in the case of UEFI partion b can have a fresh installation and partition A can be formated while the user saves their hard drive data. Less work for technicians too when the user needs the data. Yeah I know the cloud also helps but not all the time.

In conclusion : We are in the 21st century and this may help eradicate those unnecessary "All my data is gone" bloopers.

Tell me your thoughts as I would really like to purchase a brand new laptop that does just this.