C++: how create the read function?

i create the read(...) function for read to variables.
but i need too the read()(without arguments) for press enter before continue\exit.

void read()
        //wait if the enter key is pressed:

    template<typename first_t, typename... rest_t>
    void read(first_t &first, rest_t... rest)
        std::cin >> first;
        read(rest...); //function is recursive
                        //when the parameter pack becomes empty
                        //read(); will be called with no parameters
                        //which is why we declare it above

    void read(string &parameter)
        std::getline (std::cin,parameter);

    void read(char *parameter)
        cin.getline (parameter, 256);


the problem is that i need press, 2 times, the enter for exit...
why these happens?