VB.NET printing Multi-page?

i'm trying to make price lable printer and i was able to print a single page
for a single id, but my problem is when i'm trying to print more that one id
i was not able to make it work, i'm still learning but i was hoping that someone can
give me idea how to make it work

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

Public Module thisModule
'Info for the Price Lable
Public NameV As String
Public IdV As String
Public DiscV As String
Public ArDiscV As String
Public PriceV As String
Public SalesPriceV As String
End Module

Public Class Form1
Dim connection As New MySqlConnection("datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password=;database=inven")

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    For Each s As String In Me.SearchB.Lines

        Dim nextLineText As String = s
        _lineCount = SearchB.Lines.Length
        _endPages = _lineCount

        Dim command As New MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = @id", connection)
        command.Parameters.Add("@id", MySqlDbType.String).Value = s

        Dim reader As MySqlDataReader
        If SearchB.Text IsNot "" Then 'If SeachBox is empty then do nothing


            reader = command.ExecuteReader()

            If reader.Read() Then

                thisModule.NameV = reader(1)
                thisModule.IdV = reader(0)
                thisModule.DiscV = reader(2)
                thisModule.ArDiscV = reader(3)
                thisModule.PriceV = reader(4)
                thisModule.SalesPriceV = reader(5)

                PrintPreviewControl1.Document = PrintDocument1

                PrintPB.Visible = True
            ElseIf SearchB.Text = "" Then
                MsgBox("Please enter Model")
            End If


        End If 'End SeachBox
End Sub

Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(sender As Object, e As Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage

    Dim font As New Font("Arial", 30, FontStyle.Bold)
    Dim WarrEng As New Font("Arial", 18, FontStyle.Bold)
    Dim WarrArb As New Font("Arial", 28, FontStyle.Bold)
    Dim SalesFont As New Font("Arial", 70, FontStyle.Strikeout Or FontStyle.Bold)
    Dim PriceS As New Font("Arial", 70, FontStyle.Bold)

    If A4C.Checked Then
        Dim newImage As Image = Image.FromFile("C:\Users\GAMING PC\Desktop\ElecPrice\A4.png") 'A4 Image
        e.Graphics.DrawImage(newImage, 0, 0) 'A4 Image Location
        'e.Graphics.DrawString(thisModule.NameV, font, Brushes.Black, 65, 400)
        e.Graphics.DrawString(thisModule.NameV + "  " + thisModule.IdV, font, Brushes.Black, 65, 350)
        e.Graphics.DrawString(thisModule.DiscV, font, Brushes.Black, 130, 450)
        e.Graphics.DrawString(thisModule.ArDiscV, font, Brushes.Black, 600, 450)
        e.Graphics.DrawString(thisModule.PriceV, PriceS, Brushes.White, 510, 110)

    ElseIf A4P.Checked Then
        Dim newImage As Image = Image.FromFile("C:\Users\GAMING PC\Desktop\ElecPrice\A4Promo.png") 'A4-Promo Image
        e.Graphics.DrawImage(newImage, 0, 0) 'A4 Image Location
        'e.Graphics.DrawString(thisModule.NameV, font, Brushes.Black, 65, 400)
        e.Graphics.DrawString(thisModule.NameV + "  " + thisModule.IdV, font, Brushes.Black, 65, 350)
        e.Graphics.DrawString(thisModule.DiscV, font, Brushes.Black, 130, 450)
        e.Graphics.DrawString(thisModule.ArDiscV, font, Brushes.Black, 600, 450)
        e.Graphics.DrawString(thisModule.PriceV, SalesFont, Brushes.Black, 25, 650)
        e.Graphics.DrawString(thisModule.SalesPriceV, PriceS, Brushes.White, 510, 110)

    End If

    If WRT.Checked = True Then

        e.Graphics.DrawString("Extended warranty available on this item..Please refer to sales team", WarrEng, Brushes.Red, 10, 890)

        e.Graphics.DrawString("", font, Brushes.Black, 65, 500)

    End If

End Sub

End Class